When developing punch power, the wall pad is a really good piece of punching equipment to use. As always though, technique and combining skills, is king!
The wall pad is basically a heavy bag that is fixed to a solid surface and does not move when punched. It’s a heavy bag without the swing.
So, in this video we use the wall pad in 2 ways.
Firstly, we focus on footwork. We move in to range of the wall pad, we deliver the punches, we pivot off the lead foot and exit in a different direction.
Because the wall pad does not move, it is up to you to be dynamic and inject good foot movement into your work.
The second way we are using the wall pad is to focus on our punch power.
We use hooks, left hooks and right hooks, and we focus on driving punch power from our feet.
To drive extra punch power in the left hook (or lead hand hook), you can add a slip. This slip will generate more stored energy in the lead leg to be transferred into the punch.
With the right hook (or back hand hook), you already have a huge amount of punch power potential because of the availability of hip rotation.
Of course these principles cross over onto conventional punch bags, but a wall pad is always a nice alternative to work your punch power.

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Was there some leakage in your opening comments Fran? That is, because wall pads don’t move you need to be “inventive”. Do you feel that a wall pad is necessary piece of boxing equipment for a gym? The unfortunate thing I noticed with them is that boxers (amateur) tend to just use it for power punching only with very little, if any, foot movement. I have yet to see any well known professional boxers using a wall pad. It appears that the wall bag you have is more forgiving than those offered my mainstream boxing equipment retailers in North America. Brand?
Hello pug, hope you are well. Is a wall pad necessary for a boxing gym – no, certainly not for me. For most boxers it’s seems to be a last resort (if no conventional bags are available). You are of course right, the feet tend to plant for power, and in our game planted feet can be a real problem. So yes, if they use it I encourage a focus on movement and not just power. That particular wall pad is produced by a boxing equipment supply company called Ergo (Ergogenics Ltd) here in Liverpool. They do produce really good quality equipment across the board really.
Uh-huh: I strained my left shoulder doing Double Jabs on a Wall Pad. Probably poor technique on my part, but the thing was very unyielding, hence my problem.
Yes Frank, common issue. I think we always have an urge to move in as we double jab, and on a wall pad it can be a problem. Maybe once the strain is sorted try lateral/side-stepping with the doubles 🙂
Thanks a lot Fran really nice put together clear and precise great movement feet were planted well when needed good guard lose powerful Fran mate I’m 58 years old I’m so Impressed I’ll watch it and apply learning so much I got great trainers and this stuff from you as well I love it your brilliant mate brilliant
Thanks Stewart, really kind that mate, very glad to be able to contribute to your boxing journey.