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Throwing the Uppercut – The Most Difficult Punch!

The uppercut is a really challenging punch to master. In fact for me, it’s the most difficult punch that we teach in boxing. In this video I want to give you some pointers on how to throw the very best uppercut you can throw.

How to Nail the Uppercut in Boxing

There a 6 versions of the uppercut in this video, 3 with each hand with one at each of our key ranges; long, mid and close.

As always, there are common faults that you need to avoid. Under-rotation is the real pitfall, as it is with most punches.

It’s also worth making the shot as direct as possible, avoiding the exaggeration of dropping the hand too low as you start the punch.

Finally, make sure that the shot lands with your forearm on the vertical plane. If the forearm isn’t vertical then it isn’t an uppercut.

Any thoughts? Post a comment below.



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  • Dan Smith December 25, 2021, 2:16 am

    Cheers Fran, thanks for this. And Happy Holidays!

    • Fran December 27, 2021, 9:24 pm

      No worries…thanks Dan and a Merry Christmnas to you.

  • Jim Mcallister December 15, 2021, 7:36 am

    Very well explained and demonstrated video on the uppercuts

    • Fran December 15, 2021, 9:04 pm

      Thanks Jim, very much appreciated👍

  • gregory December 15, 2021, 1:12 am

    fran, ur the best!

    • Fran December 15, 2021, 9:04 pm

      Thanks Gregory, grateful for you watching pal👍

  • Pug December 14, 2021, 10:09 pm

    Excellent video Fran. Just couple points. I was taught the upjab which makes sense to me because the forearm is extended like a jab. It is not “vertical” like a 90 degree uppercut. I look at it as a variation of the jab like a thumbs up jab used to split the guard. It’s a sneaky punch. The bag looked a little low so that your punches looked more like an uppercut to the solar plexis than the head.

    • Fran December 15, 2021, 9:07 pm

      Hello Pug. Yes, I get the naming, just unfamiliar…I guess it’s a thing common on the other side of the pond, and yes, it is a great variation for the jab. Our maize bag does hang low. As we refurbish our gym I’ll probably organise an invesment in the pear bag, the kind of mini maize bag that can be hung at head height. Always like that piece of kit but we’ve not had one in the gym for quite some time now. Thanks for your contribution, valued as always.