Errol Spence Jr vs Terence Crawford has been a long time coming, but at last it’s here. As someone who has somewhat lost his enthusiasm for many ‘big fights’, I’m really looking forward to this one. Who wins out of this duo of top class fighters and how do they get that win?
As a bit of background to the fighters, I have previously produced a more ‘deep dive’ analysis of both Terence Crawford and Errol Spence Jr.
Terence Crawford – 5 Fearsome Factors
3 Things About ‘The Truth’ – An Errol Spence Jr Breakdown
To summarise the respective boxing styles of these southpaw warriors:
Terence Crawford:
Southpaw dominant
Head off the centre line and bodyweight central
Wants the opponent to commit to the attack
Lands high quality shots at long range
Whips superb quality hooks
Excellent in straight lines
Has the ability to move up through the gears as a fighter.
Errol Spence Jr:
Southpaw dominant
Head off the centre line and body weight on rear foot (predominantly)
Long range – simple but effective
Good jab, looping back hands
Close range – excellent close range fighter
Whips solid hooks and uppercuts
High endurance, maintains pressure on the opponent
Some of the key questions for me:
Will southpaw vs southpaw lead to a dull fight?
What happens at long range?
Who has the sharpest punching, specifically at long range
Is Crawford dominant at long range?
Can Spence Jr do his most effective work at close range?
How much punishment does Spence Jr take getting to close range?
Can Spence Jr stop Crawford working at close range?
Would love to hear your thoughts.

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What did you guys think of the fight? Pretty crazy eh…I think many people were expecting Crawford to win, but I was surprised at how one sided it was. Although I wonder if Spence was rusty, had not fought since early 22 and was on 14-15 month inactivity stretch. And checking his boxrec, I saw that he has only 3-4 fights since 2019. Although most of that is because of his eye injury and car accident.
I wonder if the rematch will go differently and be more competitive. I think Spence just needs some more fights, to stay on your A game…the top fighters need more matches than 1 per year on average. Gotta stay sharp and be more active. We’ll see what happens in ’24 or whenever the rematch takes place.
Hello Dan
I’m actually planning a video for the weekend, gathered my thoughts. I was shocked at some of the stuff Spence DIDN’T do, but to be fair Crawford was really on top of his game…lots of versatility. I’m not sure SPence should look for a rematch…a lot to be said for clocking off with that nice big bank account
Thanks for the post too btw, it’s good to get some top level insight into what the fight preview could be like. All I know is I couldn’t be happier this fight finally got done!
Really hope this is a barn burner, but could be more of a snoozer like you’re suggesting Fran. It should be elite, high quality boxing anyway, something the hardcore boxing fans can appreciate. The casual ones could be close to going to sleep though, haha. Cheers, everyone enjoy the fight!
Yes Dan, it’s definitely an intriguing proposition, will definitely be setting the alarm to get up for this one 😀
Top drawer analysis Fran. I agree. I believe Crawford has more Ring IQ than Spence and has demonstrated time and time again how he is able to adapt to problems that other fighters confront him with.
Thanks Pug. Like you, I always think those with the better smarts win out. Spence is a top class boxer, but I think Crawford just has that little bit more. Toughness is neither here not there, fighters at the level these guys are at seldom lack toughness or bravery…as we both know