There are many ways to deliver a power right hand in boxing. The boxing overhand right is in a category all of its own. You can punish an opponent’s weak jab with this wonderful shot.
The overhand right is a great active counter punch against an incoming jab. When I say ‘active counterpunch’ I mean that it lands at the same time as the opponent’s jab is extended.
The overhand right is different from the straight right hand or the right cross. Remember, when you want a straight right hand, the later in the rotation of the body that you leave the shot the straighter the right hand will be. If you release the arm early in the rotation then the right hand will land on a slightly different line.
The boxing overhand right has broadly the same body mechanics as the straight right hand and the right hook. The difference is in the shape of the arm – it needs to arc down slightly to ‘get over’ the outstretched jab of the opponent.
Remember to keep your left hand high to add extra protection against incoming right hands from the opponent. Remember also not to over-commit – you should always have in your mind ‘what if I miss’? You don’t want to be out of control and over-committed.
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Hello Fran!!
Your breakdowns and videos are very much detailed, and the level of professionalism that goes into making these along with the proper steps and variety of ways with the minor adjustments are tremendous it really goes to show how dedicated you are to this type of craft we call boxing!!
Big ups and much love!!
From Australia 💯
Thanks very much Beau. Very glad that you appreciate the work and find it useful 👍
Thanks Chris 👍
My favourite punch Fran, Its perfect against a taller opponent who’s dropping his lead hand, Grant video again mate.
Perfect as usual.
Thank you so much, Fran