The Floor is Yours!
For the next week or so, my access to the Internet will be limited. I’ve lined up a number of articles to publish automatically during this period, so there will still be new stuff to read, view and and post your comments on. Why not air your views and see if any fellow site users respond directly…the floor is yours! I’ll be sure to catch up when and where I can.
Work With Me!
Over the next 3 to 4 months, I’m going into product development mode! I have some well developed ideas about what I’d like to put out there, mainly around putting together some of the individual skills into video-based development programs (in the form of an e-book) and some products around fitness work. This said, I’d be really interested to know what type of stuff you might like to see. There’s been some really bright input from you guys already, plenty of food for thought, so now’s your chance to further influence how we move forward!
I’m looking for input from a range of users. Whether you are experienced and already compete in boxing or other combat sport, whether this is your first sojourn into boxing fitness (or any kind of physical fitness for that matter), whether you are looking for an introduction before going to a gym or whether your goal is to train at home on your own or with a friend/partner; anyone can get involved so don’t let your level of experience one way or the other put you off!
Once I’ve finalised the planning of the first product, it would be great to involve some of the key site users in the development work. Now don’t worry, this ain’t a lot of work! It would involve taking a copy of the product in the later stages of development, reviewing it, and letting me know your thoughts. You can have early access before it’s published, but even better, you can have a positive influence on how it goes to market! As I said, I’d be looking for key site users. This means users who are signed up to the newsletter and active in commenting on the articles. After all, it would be a bit pointless selecting the keyboard-phobic types!!! Anyway, if you’re interested, you know what to do.
Hope you keep enjoying the site, and if you have any questions about what I’ve proposed here, please let me know by posting a comment below!

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Hey Fran sorry for the late response. An Up Jab, is basically another term for the Long Range Uppercut. A Penetrating Jab is a Power Jab, this is done by initating a forward step. It can also be thrown with the thumb up to Penetrate a tight guard. A Blinding Jab, is a jab that is held for a split second in front of an opponents vision, as you circle or sidestep to the left/right. Thanks Fran, I’m looking forward to your other boxer analysis vids!
Duran, Hagler, Leonard and Hearns!
I’ll let you know what I think right now. That’s awesome! I’m really looking forward to reading those articles.
Actually, I’ve just finished a book called ‘Four Kings’ which was an overview of those great fighters. It focused strictly on the battles they waged with each other. (I can’t recommend it however, it wasn’t very well done)
Boxing, and boxing history is an interesting subject so I wanted to ask you…
Can you recommend any good books on the subject? Any biographies that you really enjoyed? etc.
I second what Karl says. I think an emphasis on Strategy and Defense are probably important things to focus on. I’d also like to potentially see your book broken down into sections based on what a person of a certain skill level should be able to meet: Beginner, Intermediate, Amateur , Professional.
In addition: Different Stances and their Advantages/Disadvantages, How about the different Jabs (Up, Penetrating, Blinding), Creating Angles, weight cutting, and mental preparation.
Thanks for all the hard work Fran. Excited to about your new book!
Top stuff Lawrence. Help me out on the jabs, reply to this with what your understanding of up, penetrating and blinding jabs are and we’ll see if we can sort something out.
Cheers Lawrence.
This sounds like an interesting project you are about to embark on. I look forward to seeing it and would be happy to help with comments, etc..
There are lots of things I’d like to see in a boxing ebook. Too many to list in this comment window. Here are just a couple…
1) The Thinking Boxer.
I recently read Jack Dempsey’s book Championship Fighting. An interesting read even if it was a little dated. After about 20 chapters on the technique of punching, footwork, range, etc. I finished up with the most interesting and useful section in the whole book. Chapter 25 “How to watch a fight”.
Almost all training in boxing is ‘me-centered’. How do I throw a jab, how do I move my feet, how do I last all those rounds. This is all well and good and necessary but ultimately short sighted.
Eventually, if we are going to step into the ring with another competitor we have to change our thinking and begin to ask, “how is HE throwing a jab, how is HE moving his feet, how is HE lasting through all these rounds”.
Considering your experience Fran, I would like to hear your ideas on tactics and the mental aspect of the sport. Once we’ve learned how to observe our opponent, how do we…
-box a counter-puncher?
-deal with super aggression?
-deal with someone that goes into a shell?
-how do we push the cardio of our opponent when we see he’s getting tired?
-how do we conserve energy if we feel we’re getting tired.
2) Defense Defense!
Recently I was up against the ropes with my hands up high to protect my face. A little too high as it turned out because I got my left side ribs re-arranged. I’m still recovering from that and it’s been two days! I would like to see a video on “handling the onslaught”. How do you cover up? How do you move out? What things should you definitely NOT do? How exactly DO you tie up your opponent?
Some of those questions can be answered with a sentence or two and some require a more in depth approach. But either way it’s good to hear as many viewpoints as you can on the art of boxing.
Hey Karl
Excellent input, as per usual. OK, I’ll keep this short. In answer to 1) (The thinking boxer) I’m putting up some articles in a “Fighter Analysis” category. These articles will use videos to analyse the specific style characteristics of the top fighters and I’m sure that they’ll provide a lot of what you’re looking for. My first one focuses on Roberto Duran, a ferocious KO artist, but somebody who could do it all including some top rate defensive work and brilliant counter punching. This article will be ready by the end of this week and many of your questions will be answered both directly and indirectly, if not by this one then some of the following (Hagler, Leonard and Hearns are next on the list). Let me know what you think when I post the article.
On 2) Defense – I’m shooting a bunch of videos on hand defenses (blocks, parries, covering up etc.) These will be useful individually, but your request for a specific ebook on Defense is definitely in a short list of 2 or 3 for the first one, it’s a great suggestion so thanks mate.