This latest in my series of 90 second boxing tips offers a nice simple way of combining two popular boxing skills.
We combine the boxing skills by using, you guessed it, boxing drills.
Those of you who are familiar with my work will know that I am passionate and enthusiastic about boxing drills and how they upgrade and enhance your boxing style.
Boxing drills are all about giving you the ability in a given situation to ‘Let the training take over‘.
Here is the video:
‘The training took over’.
You have heard that saying right?
Soldiers, police officers, firefighters when faced with life and death situations regularly talk of ‘the training taking over’ to allow them to perform some breathtaking feat of skill and bravery.
Well that’s what drills do for you as a boxer.
Regular and disciplined execution of drills empowers the training to take over on your behalf.
Work this drill at every opportunity; a minute here, 20 seconds there.
Work it at a slow pace – slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
You will see and feel benefits real quickly – get to the point where the training takes over.
Any comments or questions below
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Hi Fran , just love listening to your posts you make it so easy to understand ? I’ve just started boxing at the age of 63 and find I’m a little stiffer than the younger ones do you have any tips for loosening up . Keep up the posts brilliant
Hello David
Thanks for your comment, I always enjoy getting nice feedback.
Flexibility work is always good. Static stretching, simple stuff, done with discipline at the end if each session. Just 10 minutes or so as a warm down, work from the top down – arms, shoulders, chest, thighs, calves. YouTube is a good source for basic stretching routines. As you get more training sessions under your belt your range of movement will improve. Hope this helps David, and thanks again.
So that’s what some guys have been doing to me while sparring. I’m a relative beginner, and if they’re skilled I find it puzzlingly difficult to hit them close up. (I mean this metaphorically, because I did Contest Karate and I don’t want to actually hit anybody, certainly not young ladies.) But I’m not sure they’ve got the technique entirely, because they aren’t well-placed to hit me either.
Sounds like they’re moving a little too far out. Be smart with your feet Frank. A little side step to counter this can often work well and you can ‘tap’ home your shots (no need to load up).
Great video Frank. I have a habit of take small step to the left before pivotting to the left. Is it a no go? I feel it gives me a better angle to attack.
That’s fine Shrikant. I covered this in the recent Q&A – have a look:
Right on time. I was wondering what I could combine with the roll. Thanks Fran I will add it in tomorrow.
Brilliant, nice timing is always nice Tom 🙂
Nice video. I was just wondering Fran , do you have to wait to finish the roll completely before pivotting? Or when this is done at speed, could the pivot start during the ‘up’ part of the roll? Thank you.
Yes, mix it up Gerry. You could even start the pivot at the bottom of the roll. You can join the skills or overlap them as long as you don’t let the common faults creep in.