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Punch Bag Workout – Power in the Pocket

This is not your normal punch bag workout, and that is because that the punch bag that we use is a bit different from your normal punch bag.

This punch bag workout uses the maize bag, a wonderful type of punch bag that supports the use of hooks and uppercuts. So, this punch bag workout is all about developing your close range fighting abilities. This is often referred to as ‘fighting in the pocket’ and is the toughest type of boxing.

Hooks and uppercuts use more muscle groups than straight punches, so this punch bag workout should test endurance levels massively.

Power in the pocket

Here are my 4 points that go to make a punch bag workout on the maize bag a great way to build your capabilities:

1. Remember your 5 ranges. Do damage on the way in from the edge of range and spend 90% of your time at close range.

2. Remember that when punching you need your shots to be compact and that they should not leave big openings. Attack and defence go hand in hand.

3. Because you are at close range, generate the power of your punches from your feet – explosive thrust to drive big rotation of your hips.

4. Be dynamic. This means striking the flank and centre line, varying the power of your punches and using shifts of the feet in the form of pivots, angled side steps and stance switches.

Remember, for a punch bag workout, don’t do all of your rounds on a maize bag. They are really hardened and unforgiving, so just use it for a round or two at a time.



PS – here’s the link to the ultimate punch bag drill 🙂

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  • Pug November 7, 2019, 1:38 am

    Good stuff Fran. I’ve never seen a maize bag that big before. The maize bags we use here are for slipping. They’re smaller than a double-end bag and heavier to provide the pendulum effect. You may recall videos of Mike Tyson training on one. I use the Ringside Head shot bag, 60 lbs for what you are demonstrating. It’s about the same size as your maize bag. Construction is similar to a heavy bag so it’s safe to use for multiple rounds.

    • Fran November 8, 2019, 8:40 pm

      Thanks Pug – I’ll check that bag out. Yes, seen the very small maize bags for the first time with Tyson…I may sort one out for our place. Will check out the Ringside bag…thanks for the tip