I am quite nervous about posting this video. I have posted tons of videos of myself, coaching to you, and I fully intend to film tons more. The video in this article is a video of me.
There is however one big, massive, huge difference between this video of me and the other videos of me. This is a video of me performing as a young boxer, and that is the main reason that I am nervous.
So why have I posted this video? Well, there are a few reasons. Firstly, a number of site users over the years have shown at least a passing curiosity in what I was like as a young fighter.
Whilst normally a request from a valued member of the MyBoxingCoach community (that’s you) is acted upon to the best of my ability, on this occasion the request alone wouldn’t be enough to post my old fight video.
The main reason that I am posting the video is that I always try to make my posts informative, that’s the coach in me. In posting this video I am hoping to give an insight into what went on with me in the build up to and during this fight.
I am confident that there are some things that you can learn here, and it might provide a little entertainment along the way. We can but hope 🙂
Here’s the video then below is the story behind the video. By the way, I am the one wearing all white kit and using the blue gloves.
About the Fight
This bout took place in January 1990 at the Grosvenor House Hotel, London. It was the National Association of Boys Clubs national final. Class B, 51KG (flyweight). This was a big night for me, one of the biggest.
I had fought through the preliminary rounds of the competition and this was the culmination of all of my hard work. This was my chance to become a national champion. Yep, It was a massive fight for me.
I am boxing against a lad called Danny Oliver from the famous Finchley Amateur Boxing Club, London. Danny was already a two-time national champion. Skilllful, powerful and hard-working.
It was a big ask but I always felt confident. My preparation had been fantastic, even though the battle to make the weight was a tough one. In fact, it was as tough as anything I had ever done so I guess it’s worth a few words.
Making the Weight
Before I describe to you the miserable details of my challenge in making the weight I want to make one thing very clear. I did not at any point during my contest feel ‘weakened’. I don’t want to come across with the old “Making the weight drained me, I could have blah, blah, blah.” During the fight I felt A-OK.
The thing about making weight is that it’s always the final few ounces that really hurt. I was boxing at 51kg, or 8 stone. If I relaxed my diet at that point I would have put on 6 or 7lb. Getting down to 8 st 1lb was fairly straightforward. Getting down from 8st 1lb to 8st was a pretty miserable experience.
On the day of the fight I awoke and 6.00am and went to the sauna, ‘enjoying’ 30 minutes of blowtorch therapy (I’ve not stepped foot in a sauna since I finished boxing all those years ago.) I left the sauna, took a shower and jumped a train to London.
You’ll note I didn’t describe my breakfast in any great detail. That’s because I ate a single piece of toast with no butter and spoiled myself with a glass of water. Hardly a breakfast fit for a king.
On my train journey my feast continued. I have a picture in my scrapbook showing me eating an apple. I didn’t bite the apple like most normal people. I sliced pieces off with a penknife meaning that I would eat slower. This helped me feel that I was actually eating something more substantial than an apple.
Now, at this point I should clarify that even reading this back I shudder at my approach. I can see those of you who know even the basics of nutrition reeling in abject horror. I am absolutely not giving advice here, so please don’t think that I am! This was mental, but it’s what I did at the time because in many ways I knew no better. It actually gets worse though.
On arriving in London I went to our hotel. Whilst we were boxing in the World famous Grosvenor House Hotel in Mayfair, I along with all of the other travelling boxers, was residing in a much more modest affair. This mattered not. I was only in the room for the afternoon as I was booked onto the last train out of London at 11.30pm.
For my final push to ‘make the weight’ I went to bed for a couple of hours…wearing plastic bin liners. Another brutal assault on my hydration levels.
My efforts were not in vain. I made the weight, tipping the scales at 8st a couple of hours before the fight. A happy ending to a rather miserable process. If you need to make weight, DON’T DO IT LIKE THIS under any circumstances whatsoever!
Into the Ring
Having made the weight I then had the small matter of having a fight. As I got into the ring I recall looking across whilst after he took of his robe. The thing that struck me was that whilst he was shorter than me, his arms, shoulders and chest looked like he could quite happily punch holes in brick walls. I kind of guessed that Danny was going to be physically powerful.
One of my biggest faults as a boxer was being a slow starter. Within the first 30 seconds of the start of the bout I’d had a couple of wake up calls to say the least. Danny steamed out of his corner, on the attack instantly.
Danny landed a couple of shots, one of which I’m sure broke my nose (although I’m not really sure) and one of which ripped a pretty big hole in my lower lip.
In the first round I was simply ‘caught cold’. Danny hit hard, but I’ll be honest not as hard as I was expecting. That’s the funny thing about boxing, sometimes the guys who look like a good gust of wind would blow them over happen to be able to punch with the power of an express train.
Other times however the guys who look physically very strong don’t punch quite as hard as you expect.
So, the 1st round was one I would rather forget. I got back to the corner knowing for a fact that I was 1 round down, no question whatsoever. There is a lesson to learn here if you are a boxer – get off to a good start.
Come out of the blocks and use ‘shock and awe’ to stamp your authority and not give your opponent the luxury of time to settle into the fight.
During the 2nd round I felt much happier that I was beginning to compete in the way that I knew I could, and in the way that was required to win the fight. I felt that I was landing punches well and that most of the incoming shots were landing on my arms and gloves.
Danny was still advancing but I felt I was making Danny work for every step forward.
Sage Advice in the Corner
You may have noticed that I looked back to my corner just before the start of hostilities in the 3rd, after the referee had pointed something out to my cornermen. What you won’t know is that I was actually laughing at the time.
You see I had the most wonderful boxing trainer by the name of Frank Atkinson, who to this day maintains a level of involvement in the boxing club that he has given his time to for over 40 years. He’s now 84.
Frank knew that the 2nd round was close and that I could arguably have won it. In the mind of us both the fight was up for grabs and if I had a good 3rd round who knows? Frank provided the kind of simple (and very motivational) tactical advice.
“Sandsy” he said, “I want you to throw every punch in the book, and throw lots of them.” He continued “Keep punching and punching and don’t stop.” This advice seemed fair enough to me, so I arose from my stool with a definite sense of purpose.
Frank placed my gum shield firmly into my mouth and left the parting comment “And if that doesn’t work, kick him in the bollocks.” It was a wonderful little moment and I’m sure Frank’s moment of levity sent me back into that final round with an extra lift.
I am a big believer in a little humour when the situation calls for it, and that probably comes from my years of being looked after by Frank. Not sure I’ll be issuing this particular advice any time soon though for fear that one of the boxers might take it literally.
The Race for the Line
On the night I was really happy with my 3rd round. Danny’s intensity in the 1st was not maintained through the next 2 rounds. He was still working hard, he was still looking to land shots and he was still looking to be the aggressor. But I felt that I had much the better of the round. I was landing cleanly and was able to put Danny on the back foot.
After a final 2 minutes of action I went back to the corner knowing that the fight was close. I felt that the old cliche “It could go either way” was apt. Frank actually felt that I had won it, and to be fair he was never one for giving anything other than his genuine opinion. If Frank felt that I had done enough then that meant something. I could only wait.
Unfortunately it wasn’t to be. All 3 judges gave Danny all 3 rounds, and one by 2 points. I must admit that I felt quite hard done by. I could have understood if all 3 judges gave it 2 rounds to 1 to Danny because I knew it was a close fight. It just felt a little disappointing, but there you go. You shake hands and you take the decision such as it is.
Not All Bad News
Whilst there’s still a little more bad news to come, there is a little good news before that. For my efforts that night I was awarded a trophy. In modern parlance this trophy would have been described as “The Best Runner-Up.” In 1990 it was simply “Best Loser”. Interesting how language and sensitivities have changed.
I was also rewarded a little more with my efforts in the dieting department. After I fought I was able to eat. I made a beeline to the hotel restaurant and sat down to devour a 3 course meal. I had to hurry because I was booked on the last train out of London back up to Liverpool.
I wolfed the food down (the strawberry cheesecake for dessert sticks in the mind) and hoot-footed towards the train station.
What I didn’t realise was that when you effectively starve yourself your stomach capacity reduces. My gluttonous binge led to some of the most painful stomach cramps I had ever encountered. My club secretary (another fantastic man called Ronnie Shaw) did attempt to show a level of concern whilst I was doubled over in agony on Euston Road.
However, to be fair Ronnie’s focus was all about getting us to the station to catch that train. The idea of paying out for a hotel for the night was not high on Ron’s agenda – this trip had cost the club coffers enough already. Suffice to say I completed another test of character by getting to the train on time!
Shrinking stomachs – yet another reason not to take the 1990 approach to weight loss!
I hope you’ve enjoyed the video and article. It’s maybe an indulgence on my behalf, but I have posted not for personal reasons. It’s just to give an insight I suppose into the kind of things you are willing to do in the achievement of a goal. If you want it bad enough you will go through some significant levels of misery to get there!
Please leave any comments below.
PS – If you’re wondering what the ‘Old Man as a Young Man’ title means, check out this article (and comments for a bit of light entertainment 🙂

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Superb stuff Fran. What particularly caught my eye in your top-notch performance was your graceful cat-like movement coupled with the poise of an accomplished ballet dancer. Indeed, and this is no unfair comparison, it was very reminescent of the dancing maestro himself, I of course refer to the legend that was Apollo Creed. The great man himself would have appreciated your deft movement and silky footwork. And there really cannot be no greater compliment than that.
And most appropriately I must end by mentioning the fact that it is exactly 30 years to the day that Apollo Creed tragically died from ring injuries inflicted by the Russian sledgehammer, Ivan Drago. Truly one of the heavyweight legends of all time.
Apollo Creed, 1943-1985 R.I.P.
Yes Graham, I’m sure the whole World cried when Apollo came off 2nd best in east v west.
Too true Fran. At least though we still have the film footage of the great man in action to lessen the pain somewhat. Interestingly Apollo Creed’s ring movement was just so good that it meant that he and Muhammad Ali, the other legendary ballerina of the ring, would never trade gloves. The promoters of the day knew that it would be a total bore-athon as neither legend would be able to lay a glove on the other!
Hey Fran,
As a physiotherapist with a keen interest in both boxing and biomechanics I must say that this video was extremely impressive . You may not have one the bout, but from an aesthetic point of view, I found your style far more pleasing to view.
Cheers Marty
Thank you Marty, that’s a really nice comment 🙂
Yo Fran m8. bruv me is bean duckin and divin and avoidin the big shots like alaways. me hope ur well 2 bro.
gr8 vid m8. me luv da big left hook in r3. reminds me of the smack i give a john a few dayz back. dont worry m8. he well deserve it, he trys to do a runner wivout paying 1 of me hoes. chantilla. me just luv dat girl.
As another old guy (46) – major props for posting this. I had a high school wrestling loss in a regional tournament, ending up 4th in my weight class which was awesome and unexpected, that I survived but thank heavens it wasn’t taped. I got beat the hell up but not pinned. It was a great accomplishment to get that far but man I got bulldozed for the entire match.
In your video Danny may have won but you were landing more and apparently cleaner punches as the fight progressed.
As mentioned up-thread you landed good solid left hooks repeatedly, over and at will, as well as others. Great job!
The score could have gone either way, he was crazy active but you seemed more controlled and accurate, but not 3 to 0.
Why am I posting here? Dumb luck. I have recently installed a heavy bag and the number one thing that should come with every bag and assembly that has bag gloves is hand wraps…no I did not hurt myself but wraps from now on.
Great site!
Thank you, nice parallel history there 🙂
Yes, wrap them hands. Here is an old vid on hand wraps and I’ll be producing a new one soon (we could only use 2.5 metre wraps back then and we can use 4.5 metre now.
Here’s an article on the heavy bag that might help too.
Thanks for commenting, very nice of you.
Hi Fran, thought you done very well. You walked then the way you ‘do and talk’ today. You have my ultimate respect. An intelligent stylish boy boxer (then) and master today, and as I think someone else has said, a judge could well have scored these ’rounds even’ either way.
That is, either recognising the back footers (your) excellent countering, clean punching, and evasive footwork, as the dominating factor in the ring, and in the decision. Or siding with your more aggressive foe, who just drove forward. Boxer versus bruiser.
At least, in these days, I think the scoring system demanded more recognition of ‘both the combatants skills’. More accountable’, unlike this current ‘ten point scoring system’ today, which is right up a lazy judges street. Or to be fair the ‘tired one’ involved in a long day of competitions. When their concentration can go.
In that, if they do not see much difference between the boxers, and not needing to justify this judgement critically and openly on a score card, they will opt for, as advised, the one who dominated the ‘centre ring’. Often more of an opinion I think. Which unfortunately translates into favouring the most aggressive boxer, possibly least skilled, who may have charged around like a ‘ bull after’ a red rag, slicing, slapping, and missing with punches all over the place. Unleashed anger aggression versus controlled aggression.
So no surprise, then, I suppose, at the number of ‘ten over nine’ rounds, appearing at amateur competitions these days, which I find ‘technically irregular, if not very questionable. And I would always advise any ‘long range’ amateur boxer tending to ‘counter off the back foot a lot’, that at some point, ideally the last third’ of each round, to take centre ground, and go ‘toe to toe’ for a ‘half minute’ or so.
Showing they are not just on the run, or cowering, but are controlling their opponent, across the ‘whole field of play, of the inner ring’ and not being intimated by the ‘basher in front of them. The crowd will like this, and the judges will note that at their own risk. Of course if they are running for their life, or a ‘sair face’, then that’s different, and the fight should be stopped with all good reverence.
Interesting also, that you say you were a slow starter, ‘full belly’ an all. And apart from ’empty bellies’, that is a further negative of amateur boxing today, for stylist back foot boxers, as I see it today. Three rounds is not enough for these ‘super fit’, aggression burning bruisers, to run out of wind, and the slow starters, energy conservers, on slow burn, to catch up.
Five rounds would give more equality across the field of play, within the roped of square ring. And also, stop penalising boxers for using the ropes. Skills on the edge of the ring, should be just as important as aggression in the centre. And what of the ladies, only two minute rounds, any wonder the ‘handbags’, cat fights, often come out, metaphorically speaking.
On a final note, as regards the video, I liked the ‘biggie dressing gowns’, Fran, in your video, don’t see a lot of them these days. All too many ‘amateur rookies’ hanging around ‘competitions’ these days just in ‘bare vest and cold muscles’ before entering the ring. That’s not clever.
Auld Groaner, Alex L
Hey Alex
Excellent comment. I am going to write an article on the recent change in scoring method, reverting back to the subjective judging from the more objective computer scoring. There’s a wealth of aspects to the change and ton of discussion points. What you have written here will really help me pull together my views. I think it is a huge decision that will massively change the sport, some feel for the better, others not so.
Like your ‘last 30’ strategy for the longer range guys, well worth a go.
Cheers Alex, hope that you are keeping well.
Lovely footage there, thanks for uploading it. It must be great to be able to relive the glory days so to speak every now and again. And what a left hook you landed on him in the 3rd, Donald Curry style! I’m really surprised he didn’t go down after that beauty.
I hope this isn’t uncharitable but after having watched so many of your excellent instructional videos I coudn’t help comparing this fight footage with them and picking out a few faults in your boxing style. The ones that struck me were you holding your left hand too low and too far away from your chin, always circling your opponent clockwise and falling into your punches. But apart from that you were great, you could have been a contender!
Kevin, Washington D.C.
Thanks Kev
Not uncharitable at all. If I ever step foot inside the ring again I’ll bear your observations in mind 🙂
Hmmm…A 10-8 round? Nah. Fran, you must have spit at the refs during the fight. Great fight, and easily could have gone your way because of the last 2 rounds. The first thing I noticed was that your fighting matches your training videos. Noticed it right away. This tells everyone on the site that you did exactly what you instruct us, even to the point of using the legs to propel backwards instead of just taking a step back. The guy was checking to make sure his right ear was still attached; what a great left hook. Apparently he liked it– he never had his right hand up anywhere near his head. Probably able to get away with it in that weight class. I lost count after 15 to the ear. Fighting most of the fight with an early hard punch to the nose had to be brutal, especially with it being non-stop action. I was exhausted just watching. Again, to me, the main thing with this vid is it tells us that you fought exactly as you teach. Great work and no need to be nervous about anything.
Thanks Randy
Glad that you enjoyed the fight and good that you are watching with a technical eye 🙂 Appreciate you taking the time to comment.
Hi Frans,
Nice fight! You have a big heart and intelligence. Thanks for the brilliant ideas that you are sharing to us. Yes I believe that this fight could go either way.
And you indeed started slow. Your opponent is active even before the first round started. For me, the first round is very important. I want my boxer to win it, therefore I need him to be active as much as possible. Also, it creates a positive impression on the judges.
I see your counter hooks so nice. also your movement and overhand right. But you stoop after your punch. So your opponent had a luxury to throw a lot of punches.
In round 2 you did use a lot of jabs as is needed for a shorter-rusher kind of opponent. You nicely came out of the corner…
But you really could not stop him from rushing in. You said that you realized that he is not as strong as you perceived him to be… if you stand stronger defending his punches with blocking and throw clear counter punches each time then do pivots, lateral moves.. with counter attacks.. well, this is just my point of view.
I mean, your opponent managed to take the fight on his favor, short and medium distance fighting. Although you had good counter hooks and some combinations. But he managed to hit although some of it in your gloves only. I mean, he just appeared dominant.
In our beloved sweet science, a KO is the most assured win. There are so many biased decisions. The last Asian games in Incheon, Korean showed flaws in judging. In the European Youth Championships a referee was punched down by an irate boxer who was prematurely stopped.
Again, my sincere thanks to you for the knowledge you are sharing. God Bless…
All very good points Glicerio. Thank you for taking the time to comment and my apologies for delaying my reply!
Great fight Fran! Your skills was great! Wow!
Congratulations and thanks a lot for your teaching coach!
Thank you Ramiro.
Hi Fran!
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! The video and the article are deeply involving, I’ve learned a lot. I am a rather old actress living in Stockholm-Sweden and working in sweden, Italy, USA. I’ve started boxing recently, it is great! I work hard, daily trainings and so on. My boxing club is Hammarby IF Boxning Klub -Stockholm, my trainer Joel Grandell. Thanks once more for your video, suggestions and inputs. Jabs. Vanda
Hi Vanda
THank you for the comment and welcome to the wonderful sport of boxing – I hope that you get as much out of it as I do 🙂
Greetings Coach,
I was really glad to see an email from the site last night and even more pleased when later on another email let me know about this article.
Because it was late, I decided not to watch it last night, but kept the page open on my PC and went to bed. The reason being, I was looking forward to seeing the clip of you fighting as a young man the way any kid looks forward to Halloween or Christmas.
I must confess however, that I read the entire article before watching the video and although I knew the end result, it still left me with a great deal of appreciation for the poise and skill you showed in the ring — Respect!
Coach, that was quite simply, amazing. To think, that as a young man, you could put on such a fine display of the ‘sweet science’, only causes me to say — You should be proud of yourself, Proud of your family and Proud of your coaches.
IMO, you acquitted yourself very well in that battle.
Your opponent looked ‘flashy’ when shadow boxing before the bout began, while you seemed to be more ‘chill’ and once the bell ran, the pre-fight mannerisms proved to be prophetic.
Yea, Danny looked strong and came on stronger, BUT, you looked to be the more skilled boxer. I was really impressed with your movement in the ring and how calm you seemed to be at all times. The footwork you used reminded me of Willie Pep and Sugar Ray Robinson. In and out, slip, hit and move…….Nice!
Danny’s ‘punches thrown’ may have been higher, but you landed and scored with higher efficiency, especially your ‘power shots’ (anything other than a jab). Your double arm block defence was certainly effective in blocking many of his ‘flashy’ flurries (and there were a lot of them), but what was even more impressive to me, were the number of lead right hands and great powerful left hooks you were able to bounce of his head and jaw. Your use of slips, uppercuts, left hooks and right hands is what made you the superior boxer in my eyes and had you scoring well and often against him.
It’s likely, the defensive posture of your double arm blocks against his flurried shots, allowed him to appear aggressive (but ineffective) and impress the judges.
In the end, I guess his aggressive ‘flashy’ style, won out, over your ‘composed’ scientific boxing substance in the eyes of the judges, but in the eyes of any boxing fan or an uninitiated viewer, you were the better boxer and should have won……..Heck, his best punch only came *after* the bell at the end of the fight!
IMO, the above video is good to have and use as a training tool in how to move well, how to slip well, how to counter well, and how to launch an attack well, in a boxing match.
For such a young man, that was a very self possessed and respectable display of solid boxing skills, worthy of emulation.
Thanks and have a blessed day, Fran.
Hello Paul, nice to hear from you.
You have certainly gone through the detail of the vid. It was a great contest to be involved in and the crowd certainly enjoyed it.
Thanks for picking out some good stuff for people to watch for Paul, appreciate you taking the time.
Cheers and take care.
Always a pleasure, Coach……….I forget to mention the excellent use of your jab when moving away. It was very effective in scoring points for you and kept your opponent at bay…..Smart!
As for the crowd…..Oh yea, the cheering was exceptional, but who can blame them, the fight was top notch — A real champions battle.
Looked very high class too, as I noticed all the men were in black ties and tuxedos.
I’ve downloaded the fight into my YouTube downloader and will keep a copy for the above mentioned emulation and training purposes.
Cheers and best regards, Fran.
P.S. My wife also thought you deserved the win. 🙂
Great video of a great fight, Fran. Danny is Spencer Oliver’s brother, a great boxer from a real boxing family. Jim, their old man, was head coach at Finchley and District and trained one of our boxers, Darren Ballinger.
Hello Dave
Yep, top gym Finchley. I think Anthony Joshua represented Finchley as an amateur?
I spoke to Danny briefly afterwards and he struck me as a nice lad. Never met again. We were supposed to box each other some months later on a bill in Birmingham but Danny suffered a bad hand injury if memory serves.
Hope you are well mate.
thanks for posting this Fran, great fight. I guess the judges liked the brawler verse the boxer in this one. Other than the first round I thought you handled him incredibly and won the last 2 rounds. He liked to carry both hands a bit low and you exploited that with left hooks and the overhand right. You also showed some nice footwork, and combos including body shots. He was starting to just throw 3 or four ineffective shoeshine taps at a time followed by one good shot attempt by the last round. Apparently the judges must like a nice gloss on their shoes! For the younger inexperienced boxers this video shows how to NOT panic when faced with a strong brawling aggresive fighter. thanks fran
Hey Mickey. I hope that you are well and that things are going good with the gym.
Great that you feel that there’s some tips for dealing with aggression. If young boxers can pick something up here that will do me 🙂
Thanks Mickey.
I actually thought you won that bout your punches were a lot cleaner your footwork and movement was better and your defense was good. He did start the first round strong but you settled down after that and boxed well. I think the judges had money on that fight!
Haha. Who knows Sean. Danny did throw a hell of a lot of punches I suppose.
I knew it was a close fight Sean, we were very well matched. I could not begrudge Danny the win and as a number of commenters suggest I guess the judges opted for Danny’s aggressive style.
Thanks for the comment mate.
Yeah, thanks for sharing Fran. I guess the judges were scoring for aggression as the other lad was like a pit bull. I liked your grace of footwork keeping him off set and the left-hook was awesome!
This personally has helped me again with understanding tactics and how to fight someone aggressive. I just need to put more if it into practice and deal with the adrenaline fight response. Cheers.
Thanks James. Yes I’d never encountered such a front-foot fighter as Danny that had major physical strength to go with it. It was a great learning experience for me too.
Glad you enjoyed it.
The judges were assholes. You won. Technical as hell at such a young age. What a clever clever boy.
No nerves nessasary an outstanding perfromance!
Fun fight to watch too 🙂
Thanks Fran!
Thank you, it was actually a fun fight to be involved in believe it or not!
Hi Fran,
to put it mildly, you won beyond any doubt. The judges were unanimously wrong or the fight was scored before it started. If the fight had been scored under the computerized scoring system, you would have been miles ahead. The eye-catching shots going in and especially going out of the exchanges came from the blue gloves. If other aspects like defense, footwork, technique, variety, fair pay (generalship) were taken into consideration, the judges should have unanimously resigned.
The fight took place at close and mid range and few jabs or straight shots were thrown – unusual for an amateur fight. I did not see many/any scoring jabs from your opponent. He was a determined and strong adversary but while he was busy with hook- uppercut flurries up close, he was a sitting duck for your volleys. He took bolo shots, overhand counters, several lead right hands – once is great, after that it’s rude.
Since the fight draw comparisons with a pro bout, the ten point must system should produce a 29:28 score for your, in other words, 2:1 rounds in your favor.
Hey Ivan
I hope that you are well.
As you are no doubt aware computerized scoring has been dispensed with again, along with headguards at the elite level. I have an article pretty much written on the headguard decision but need to pull one together on the computerised scoring. The game has changed big time.
It was pretty much a war from the outset and I felt it was close, but there you go.
I should get onto publishing those articles.
Cheers Ivan
great fight fran, I think you won that mate, but I am biased.
yes Mr L, I think you might qualify as biased 🙂
Nice ‘check hook’ Coach. Notice you also favored the overhand right too. Your young man reminds me of a kid I coached in AZ 2008 & 2010. Only he’s a southpaw. Rangy boxer. You were a lanky kid for your age. What happened? ha! Your opponent was a real pit bull. Quick, short rhythm, power puncher vs. your young man’s longer rhythm style. You would probably be the first to admit, looking back, that you didn’t use your reach, height and long rhythm to your best advantage. Notwithstanding that your opponent was very aggressive and would have been difficult for anyone at that age to stay on the outside of. Do your remember what your coach told you in the corner before the last round?
Also note that this was prior introduction of headgear. I put the bout in the early 70’s. With a former Teddy Boy as the ref complete with pompadour hairstyle.
Hey Ric
Good comments. To be honest, I was used to fighting people much taller than me. Danny was just particularly short. It definitely became a war pretty quickly, and I tried to move laterally rather than simply reversing. In the 3rd round I just felt (as did my coach) that I could meet fire with fire and win out. I felt that I had greater endurance even though Danny was still on a full scale assault!
Believe it or not, the bout was in 1990. England was the last country to introduce the compulsory use of headguards (not until season 1991-92). Scotland and Ireland were sooner, Canada, Us and the rest of the World were around 1984-85.
Cheers Ric
G/day Fran,Thanks for putting that clip up mate,I found it very interesting.I thought the fight could have went either way as well but of course that is the way these things go.You had a good effective left hook and I also liked the right hand lead you came back with after a break,a few of them went straight through.I look forward to seeing some of the other comments.Look after yourself mate.Regards Terry
Hey me owld mate, nice to hear from you.
Got your email and will get back to you mate – Sounds like you’ve certainly got your hands full!
Frannie I am an ex amateur boxer [middleweight] fought at Luton boys club in the seventies and then in Australia and my style was like young Danny,s and I recon without doubt you won that fight ,I mean jesus your hooks landed albeit lacking weight flush on his jaw ,he on the other hand just kept pushing short straight punches and using his bull strength to appear to be the aggressor ,how they got unanimous I dont know ,I mean its boxing not brawling .And that’s why I like to listen to your teaching cause you teach boxing ,anyone can brawl God bless you ,you old pug you and loved every golden minute of this fight ,I mean I could identify with this ,as I am sure many others could .Sorry my writing is all over the place just finished second watch at work [prison] regards Tom .
Hey Tom. Your writing is great mate, no need for apologies.
Thanks for the observations too. Always nice coming from someone who’s been in the game. Yep, Danny was physically the strongest boxer I ever faced, no doubt.
Thanks mate, and I hope that a good sleep helped you get over that 2nd shift 🙂
Wow Fran what a match! Constant actions you were a beast!
0Hey Mo
Thanks, and I hope that your boxing is going well.