Following on from the Roberto Duran Boxing Style Analysis article that I wrote a few months ago, I found this neat little post and what I think is a cool site. The article has been published by a gentleman called Monte Cox, a smart guy who writes some really good profiles on boxers from every generation. His articles are long enough to get some decent detail, but not so long as to make you want to print it out and read on paper…it’s good stuff.
I particularly wanted to point out the short video at the end of the article. Now, I’m a big fan of mixing music with boxing. Hell, as a boxer and when I was struggling for motivation to get to the gym for the 6th time in a week, I would often watch a video of my favourite fighters and this would give me enough to get me out of the front door and on the way along the street to the session (whilst wearing my original Sony Walkman!) I want to particularly draw your attention to the short musical/video tribute to the master boxer from El Chorillo, I like it, what about you?

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Thanks Fran,
I think you’re spot on with the development of DeGale. I’ve seen each of his paid outings and have seen him improve fight by fight. I’m not necessarily a fan and had a soft spot for your fellow Scouser Paul Smith in his British title fight with DeGale. But DeGale took the rock hard Smith to school in that fight.
I think that Groves’s defensive flaws were exposed by Kenny Anderson and I think these have been allowed to develop in the transition from fencing amateur to battling pro. One would assume that work is underway to correct these failings as we speak but I recall similar traits in Amir Khan prior to the Breidis Prescott fight. A KO in the case of Khan resulted in a change of coach and training locale. In the case of Groves there was no KO so has it just resulted in a round of back-slapping at his ability to get off the floor and roar back?
I think your fight prediction is pretty spot on too. I posted the link to the press conference and got widely slagged off on the Eastside forum for my support of Jim McDonnell’s input.
I stand by the fact that Jim remained silent until asked to comment. Admittedly he got a bit carried away after that but here’s a guy that knows what he’s talking about- shared a ring with Azumah Nelson, Barry McGuigan and Brian Mitchell.
Anyway, I look forward to your next posting, Fran.
Key point you identify there about the importance of that transition from amateurs to pro. The boxer basically has to become better offensively, better defensively and do both of these things whilst being more economical; that’s a really difficult balance to get right. McDonnell seems to be getting that balance right, Booth, well I’m not so sure. In terms of Khan, I actually think that he was a less able fighter after 10 pro fights than he was at the outset (put together an article on this very issue and you can find it here: Amir Khan – On The Road to Roach) His early development was really fouled up.
Thanks for the comment Dave
Have a look at the press conference on Youtube and particularly Jim McDonnell’s rather impassioned statements from 18:48 onward. I think Jim might be the closest to reality here.
I managed to get a little time to check out Groves (although not enough to put together a full article as I’m flat out creating some coaching vids.) Thanks for the YT link, interesting conference. You’re right, McDonnell was certainly impassioned, although I think he may have laid it on a little thick. The fact is that Groves is more experienced than DeGale, and the fight has come now and I don’t think it’s unreasonable that this is the case. My own view is that I don’t believe that a professional George Groves would beat James DeGale at whatever point they met in their respective careers; I just don’t think he has the boxing style and capability to do so. I think that the improvement demonstrated in DeGale in just 10 fights is remarkable, he’s becoming more polished and dangerous in every outing. Groves though I think has key defensive frailties that DeGale will exploit (Groves’ left hand is worryingly low and he’s open during close exchanges.) I also don’t think that Groves will be able to put DeGale on the back foot as his natural style is to feint and step off; this could tire him out badly as DeGale will set the pace.
Prediction? I think DeGale will win, but I don’t think that it will be as swift as McDonnell suggests. I think that the end will come some time between the 6th and 8th rounds after a brave Groves simply runs out of gas and the strong, heavy hitting DeGale overruns him.
Great request Dave, cool link as well.
Hi Fran,
I agree, boxing and music have an undoubtable relationship. Particularly thinking on to the tunes that accompany fighters to the ring. I used to like Nigel Benn’s entrance tune ‘Dangerous’, very apt.
I was wondering if, following your fighter analysis of James DeGale back in December you might consider doing one on George Groves, and maybe even a fight prediction. Personally I have my own opinion on how the fight might go and who might prevail but one of them is a friend of a friend at Dale Youth (and I have signed gloves from both fighters) so I’d rather not make that public.
Hey Dave
It’s a deal, especially after reading your recent blog posts on your top ‘gym hates’ and remarkably comedic email that your managers sent to you, I get similar side-splitters where I work, and my sense is that the hilarity of the electronic messages will only increase as the coffers become more and more bare!
Anyways, I haven’t seen much of Groves so I’ll put a little time aside this week to check him out and get I’ll something posted. I saw his manager, Adam Booth, interviewed some time ago and he was very confident of Groves defeating DeGale. One thing is for sure, and based upon DeGale’s development, Groves will have to be very, very good to compete.
Thanks for the suggestion Dave