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MMA, Boxing and YouTubers!

In recent years it seems that the lines between boxing and MMA have become less defined. I happen to think that the athletes in each sport deserve huge respect and admiration, but for me they are very different sports.

In this video I talk through trained and untrained, conscious and unconscious and why both sets of athletes should stay where they belong…in their own sport.

MMA and Boxing

When we talk about MMA and boxing, we instantly think about Connor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather and their money-making ‘event’.

Now we face people with no real background in boxing (at any level), YouTubers Jake Paul and Logan Paul, rolling up and leveraging their YouTube following to get other money-making events going.

Money, money money…

It does make mew wonder where this will end.



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  • Steve December 2, 2021, 2:54 am

    Hi Fran, What do you think of strongman Eddie Hall taking up boxing? I saw a recent video of him doing punch mitts with his trainer and he looked pretty good. I think he could make a boxing career for himself fighting journeymen, kind of like Butterbean.

    • Fran December 5, 2021, 7:58 pm

      Not sure Steve

      I guess as long as he is carefully managed he could do some events. Would be suicidal for him to go up against top heavies who have all the experience in the amateurs and pros.

  • Frank Mitchell November 18, 2021, 5:21 pm

    Just noticed: Is that Hanuman (the Hindu Combat Sports god) on the sideboard to your left? Otherwise known as “Monkey” in the Japanese Kung-Fu serial… More Martial Arts…

    • Fran November 18, 2021, 9:48 pm

      No Frank. An early Christmas gift to my wife from her Mum…a Nutcracker. Interesting what you saw though, raised a smile in me and speaks to your history 🙂

  • Hugo November 18, 2021, 11:10 am

    How about that James Toney vs. Randy Couture MMA fight in 2010!
    A takedown after 15seconds and a submission 3minutes later…was totally predictable. The sad thing is I would honestly watch it again if it happened today…and I hate myself for that!!! 🙂

    • Fran November 18, 2021, 9:47 pm

      😂 Like slowing down to watch the aftermath of a car crash Hugo. Yes, very predicatable that outcome.

  • Frank MItchell November 18, 2021, 8:57 am

    It’s interesting to compare Boxing with MMA on TV. Before Boxing Gloves were invented, Victorian Prize-Fighters could throw each other, which is interesting to anybody who practised Judo. MMA guys are allowed throws, but they don’t get close enough because they stay beyond Kicking Range. But for real nonsense, see the “Quora” Web Site. This features endless debate comparing Judo, Boxing, Karate, TaeKwonDo, Krav Maga, you name it. And half these people never practiced any of these.

    • Fran November 18, 2021, 9:46 pm

      Hi Frank, I hope that all is well with you. Yes, appreciate these forms for what they are. I have plenty of boxing pals who like MMA, they get into the technical side of it and they like the tactics. It’s not for me, doesn’t interest me much. For example I find Krav Maga and Wing Chun interesting but I guess that’s because they seem very direct, not unlike boxing I suppose. Fact is I don’t have time to immerse myself in those things in order to become proficient. Are they more effective from a self-defence point of view? Probably, but when you are competing within a certain set of rules then the poerson who has become proficient in fighting within those rules over a prolonged period will by definition have the upper hand, which makes MMA vs Boxer in the octagon pointless and vice versa. Just my opinion though Frank…and we all have one of those 🙂

  • Frank November 18, 2021, 4:30 am

    Hello Fran,
    Good video this one with a great quote indeed. I too find those money making events nonsense and I generally don’t watch them…the outcome is predictable. But it’s an all-time story…. remember Ali taking up against that wrestler…same bullshit! Thanks for this one and carry on with the good work.
    Cheers from Holland!

    • Fran November 18, 2021, 9:36 pm

      Thank you Frank, nice to hear from you and I hope that you are well. Exactly, I can watch better quality boxing on a local amateur boxing show. Hopefully these things will burn themselves out…hopefully.

  • Jason November 18, 2021, 2:27 am

    Thanks, coach. Never thought about it in terms of mental process being a stumbling block.

    The quote was great; so too your attitude to “events”. There you go, influencing people!

    • Fran November 18, 2021, 9:34 pm

      😂 I guess ‘influencer’ can take many forms eh Jason haha. Thanks mate, appreciate you taking the time to watch and comment.

  • DanTheSandMan November 17, 2021, 9:59 pm

    Great quote from a great movie, enjoyed watching the rant Fran! I’m pretty much against all the MMA fights, and celebrity/youtube fights also, turns boxing into more of a circus or sideshow than anything. Some people say it’s good for the sport with generating fan interest but I think it’ll just bring the wrong(casual) types, who will just as easily walk away from the sport if and when these boxing matches (events) stop.

    • Fran November 18, 2021, 9:33 pm

      Glad you liked it Dan. It’s an interesting angle that ‘good for the sport’ thing. We get more kids coming into the boxing club after Rocky has been on the TV than anything to do with the Paul brothers. The idea that it’s a positive to have novices tell the World that they are elite level is preposterous to me, as you say, event…not boxing. Thanks pal.

  • Kris Grauel November 17, 2021, 4:18 am

    Good stuff. Love the Denzel Washington quote!

    • Fran November 17, 2021, 8:33 pm

      Thanks Kris – great quote isn’t it, I smiled when he came out with that in the film…knew it would be one I would be using with the boxers 🙂