The Right Cross/Straight Right/Backhand…Ahh, You Know What I Mean!
The next on the ‘How to Box’ range where I’ve updated the whiter than white version of the straight right/right cross/back hand. Filmed in glorious HD and including some improved sound so that you can enjoy fully the gentle lilt of the scouse accent 🙂
Here’s the link:
Hope you enjoy this, as always, leave a comment.

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Hey Fran, being an ex-squaddie (ex is probably wrong….once a sqauaddie always a squaddie) my skin is thick and I can take pretty much anything and sometimes unfortunately believe everyone else can too. Then I fall foul of my own sense of humour and offend someone, issue the requisite apologies, but think deep down: ‘lighten up…it was a joke.’
I’ve accessed pretty much every article on here now and have watched the ‘old man’ vid a couple of times. I don’t know why I didn’t read the comments section attached to that post closer and just have.
The timed comments regarding footwork/stance change are very closely observed but are surely just the committing of ‘no-nos’ that we do when out of range (crossing of legs etc).
If you watch the Khan v Maidana fight you’ll see Maidana closing the distance as if he’s walking to the shops but then slipping into default boxing mode when in range.
I remember seeing Chris Eubank training in the gym above the Henry Cooper pub on the Old Kent Road before his first fight against Nigel Benn. Eubank was shadow boxing in the ring, crossing his legs, then vaulted OUT of the ring, ran backwards to the changing room, emerged running backwards then vaulted back into the ring to continue his shadow boxing. We all said : ‘Nigel’s gonna hammer you.’
Of course we know what happened on the night!
The Scouse accent is very conducive to learning, Fran…I was gonna make a joke about getting your pocket picked here but I got in trouble recently for an online joke that wasn’t taken as such. So I’ll avoid the regional stereotyping! Keep up the good work mate. If you fancy a journey south on 3rd May I have a boxing show I’m promoting in London.
Hey Dave, always good to hear from my old pie and mash/jellied eels/knees up Mother Brown mate from The Smoke (I hope that your accent ain’t like Dick Van Dyke’s in Mary Poppins!) That enough regional stereotyping to get us all in trouble? I like to see MyBoxingCoach as a virtual gym, and some of the ‘gentle humour’ used in our gym can raise an eye-brow or two! Never feel constrained around comments here mate (check out the Old Man article for some good stuff from Svenjamin and Karl…it’s all good!
Good luck with the show on 3rd. It’s unlikely I’ll be able to make it, although I do on occasion have to head down that way with the day job, so I won’t rule it out just yet. Thanks very much for the offer mate, very thoughtful of you.
Take it easy Dave.