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How to Box in HD!

How to Box – The Jab in HD!

As covered in my most recent post, I am in the process of creating a Boxing Training Foundation.  The Foundation consists of an eBook and a load of videos, all covering in great detail some of the most key fundamental skills of how to box and how to develop the fitness of a boxer.  I think I’ve managed to strike a really good balance between learning the skills and developing the fitness.  I’ll expand a little more over the coming weeks as things are very well advanced now and I’m really looking forward to getting this out there!

Anyhow, as part of the development of The Foundation I’ve been shooting some videos in HD with improved sound quality and I’m replacing the first 4 videos that I ever posted on the site at the beginning of 2010 (the lighting quality was horrendous, it was so dazzling it looked like I was filming at the Pearly Gates!)

Check out the article on the boxing jab to find out more:

The Boxing Jab



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