Double Jab to Force Them Back!
This simple long range combination is expressly designed to force an opponent back. In boxing, we often hear the shout “Push him back!” This phrase is not intended to be taken literally, it is actually an encouragement to use punches to force the opponent onto the back foot rather than physically pushing them. Most boxers, when struck with more than one blow consecutively, will retreat (if they are still upright!) This combination enables a switch of attack from body to head, with the final two shots intended to rock the opponent backwards (i.e. ‘pushing them back’.)
So, the combination:
- Jab to the body (duck combined with the jab)
- Jab to the head (combined with a move forward)
- Right cross to the head.
The move forward should be only from long-range to mid-range, this will account for the opponent moving backwards but will still allow enough room to throw the right cross if the opponent remains stationary.
Check out the article on boxing combinations to get more of an understanding of the technical theory behind building effective combinations. In the meantime, leave a question or comment below.