About Counterpunching with the Outside Parry
I’m going to present here a defence to an incoming jab that is not used very often. I’m not sure why this rarity of use is the case as I have always found it a wonderful method for punishing a ‘telegraphed’ or lazy jab coming your way. When performed correctly (usually only by the most skilled of pugilists) this parry not only opens the door to counterpunching with your big right cross but also has a psychological impact on an opponent.
This parry is so intricate that if your opponent has their jab parried and then they eat a big right hand, they are going to be reluctant to throw another jab. Once an opponent stops throwing their jab, it’s a big step on the way to victory. Because of the way this parry prises open a defence, you could even parry and strike with the same hand in the same move! How ‘Mayweather-Cool’ would that be!!!!
All of this said, this is a more intricate defence than for instance the conventional counterpunching block of a jab or the counterpunching inside parry of a jab and consequently carries more risk. It should only be used when the opponent’s jab is slow or inadequate enough to deserve to be punished. The way I like to think of it is that this defence is more of a ‘passive’ type of defence.
The block and parry links above are much more assertive defences in that they are best used on the attack. In order to reduce the risks slightly on this method of parrying an incoming jab, then combining the move with a lay back may be a sensible option.
OK, watch the video then please leave any comments or questions below.
The Mechanics of Counterpunching With the Outside Parry
The description here assumes an orthodox versus an orthodox. It is the back hand (right hand) that parries the incoming jab.
The mechanics of using an outside parry against an incoming jab are:
- Feel like I’m getting a bit repetitive here, but, all punches/body movements/feet movements/defensive actions begin life in the legs.
- The first move is a push from the back foot. This push from the back foot provides the drive to rotate the hips and upper body in a counter-clockwise direction. This is a similar action to that which starts the right cross although the amount of rotation is much less for this defence.
- The back hand (right hand) moves from the guard position, palm open, and loops over the top the opponent’s incoming jab.
- The palm of your hand contacts the opponent’s wrist on the inside (the left as you look at it.)
- The opponent’s jab should be pulled from your left to right. This has the effect of prising open the opponent’s guard and leaving them exposed to immediate assault!
- After parrying the shot, the hand returns instantly to the ‘home’ position.
Common Faults When Counterpunching With the Outside Parry
The key faults that occur when a boxer attempts to defend against an opponent’s jab with the outside parry are:
- As always with this type of defensive action, the main and most common fault is exaggerating the movement. This exaggeration may take place at any point during the move but is equally dangerous wherever it occurs. The top prize fighters are very economical and efficient animals. Unnecessary movement is very high risk!
- The move becomes an ‘arm only’ action. If the initial drive is not provided by the back foot pushing (thereby rotating the upper body), then it is highly likely that the arm will not be strong enough to pull the incoming jab from left to right resulting in the opponent’s jab driving through your guard and straight into your face!
- This is a counterpunching defence. A major mistake is to successfully parry the punch but not take advantage by throwing your own shot. Even more than this, this outside parry provides an opportunity for an immediate counterpunch not with your jab, but with your power right cross! Don’t waste the opportunity created by not unloading a power shot. Don’t forget, this parry may come off only once during a contest and it would be an awful waste to miss out!
Enjoy using this skill. Successfully parrying an opponent’s punch really will open the door for top class counterpunching. For a bit of fun, try during sparring to follow the outside parry with the right cross (Mayweather-style!) Be aware though, it really is not an easy counterpunching attack to pull off!
As always, leave a comment below.

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Hello coach Fran,
You mention in the description here that the rotation of the hips is not as much as in a cross. Makes me wonder if the same holds true for the block, inside parry and slip as well. Also, would the same (less hip rotation than a punch) hold true for the lead hand block, parry and outside slip?
Yes, for blocks and parries it’s about deflection and stopping, not as much rotation required
Hello Fran,
Just going over these excellent defensive videos again. I have just read a book on bare knuckle boxing.Could you say why an outside parry with the back of the fist is not used or indeed a rising block.
Thank you
Hey John
That type of block would be useful against hooks coming your way (although modern convention is a basic ‘cover block’ like this one. Against a straight shot it probably presents more of a risk than the simple parry.
Hello Fran, I might have exaggerated on mastering the boxing system, in less than , a two year time period. However, the point is that I like western boxing and again thank you!
You are most welcome Emil. Aim high – best of luck with the boxing and let me know how it goes.
Hello Fran, I have been watching all of the body work videos, foot work videos, and defense videos. Western Boxing to me is the most efficient system of hand to hand combat in the world. I can make this bold statement because, I have studied Shorinji Kempo, in the autumn of twenty eleven. , I was in school at the time so I could not go beyond white belt status. When the early winter of 2013 came along I found videos, on advanced shorinji Kata’s. and it still was not enough for my instructor. so I left . I found your videos on boxing and since October, of 2013 to August of 2014. I can say that I will master the system in less that a two year time frame or just about it. Thank you!
Furthermore, I can understand why certain people would have a problem with western boxing. My theory is that a boxing has to be balance, on the soles of their feet. This definitely is a problem for flat footed people. Thank you again and I will message you as soon as I can.
hi fran you are very detailed in how to perform that parry and the common faults you stated are ones i have been doing, so very good i appreciate the thoroughness
You’re very welcome Andy, thanks for the comment.
this is not a parry.
I think it is, just one that is not used that often. Quite advanced really.