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Combine Defense and Attack in 3 Simple Boxing Drills

When looking to improve boxing defense, you should never disregard the importance of incorporating attack sequences. After all, what’s the point of making someone miss if you don’t make them pay.

Boxing Defense Drills

These boxing defense drills on the face of it are simple, but actually the execution requires a good deal of concentration. We execute this drills at the edge of range and long range, so no close up work.

We use footwork, head movement and punching. A big part of this is being efficient in the execution, shifting from edge of range to long range and back again having delivered clean and effective punches.

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  • Bill Q October 4, 2023, 10:41 am

    Excellent video Fran! Thank you! BQ

    • Fran October 5, 2023, 5:25 pm

      Thanks Bill 👍

  • robert Mclarney October 3, 2023, 2:34 am

    every punch doesn’t have to be a humanity ending event. and you shouldn’t need a bus to get back to the right spot… I am paraphrasing but love the instruction

    • Fran October 5, 2023, 5:26 pm

      haha. Thanks Robert, sometimes a bit of an exaggeration-filled comparison helps get the point across to a class of students so hopefully transfers to the vids too. Appreciate you taking the time