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Boxing vs MMA – My 80/20 Theory

This is my first ever MMA-related video in over 7 years of running my blog.

I am a boxing coach – I have no significant expertise in MMA.

I get asked lots about not just MMA, but also street-fighting.

Those things are not my specialism so I can only ever give theoretical responses and I always err on the side of caution.

I don’t want my misplaced advice, however well-intentioned, to get someone hurt.  I take this stuff seriously – I take your well-being seriously.

What I have done is talked some of my theories through with practicing MMA guys.

However, for me to truly know this stuff I would need to spend a couple of technical sessions per week with an MMA fighter and do that over a 6 to 8 week period to truly know and watch them execute it in the octagon.

I’ve never done this.

This being said, I do have a theory and it’s an 80/20 theory.

I reckon that 80% of what I could coach a fighter would get an MMA fighter hurt in their chosen sport.

But I also reckon that 20% of what I coach a fighter could give an MMA fighter a unique advantage in the octagon.

I want to talk very briefly through:

  • The similarities between the two codes – boxing and MMA
  • A couple of key differences
  • Then examine the key differentiator and why this is the key to applying boxing in the MMA environment.
Boxing vs MMA

The Key Similarities Between Boxing and MMA

  1. Both sets of competitors climb the steps in the first place – this means that I have massive respect for the combatants in both codes
  2. Tactics are of vital importance – pressure, southpaw/orthodox etc.
  3. Punches are used.

The Key Differences Between Boxing and MMA

  1. There are the obvious things – gloves, fight platform, round duration etc.
  2. Whilst punches are used in both a bunch of other stuff is used in MMA; grappling, clinching, kicks and groundwork.
  3. The Stance – my focus for this video

The Boxing Stance vs the MMA Stance

Boxing stance ‘fencing style’ – MMA (kickboxing) square

80% of detailed coaching in boxing involves mid and short range.  A boxer’s stance at mid/short range in MMA is an absolute liability.

So, the 20%.

Boxers do use the square stance, but generally not at long range.

Using a square stance at long range means that shot length and and mobility is impaired.

At close range the square stance can increase hooking and uppercut power.

The Key for the MMA Fighter

Manage a fight at long range – a boxer can retreat under control whilst throwing shots much more quickly than an attacker can advance under control and with less risk.

Know when to drop into your conventional MMA stance to avoid the takedown and deal with the horrors of close range MMA work (horrors to me anyway).

Key takeaways:

  1. At long range use the conventional boxers stance, phased attacks long range shots and controlling range.
  2. Change the stance at the right moment to the square model to deal with your conventional MMA tactics.

Love to hear your thoughts.



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  • Ali July 18, 2024, 9:35 am

    Thank you very much such a valuable article, helped me a lot.

  • john April 10, 2018, 9:51 am

    Hi Fran, I ran a beginner mma class for 3 years for my coach Danny Rushton. I came into mma with a boxing back ground. I soon found that there are 3 more range differences 6/ kicking range 7/jump kick range and the one that scared the hell out of me and take’s the longest to read and understand 8/ spin kick range. Spinning back heel is like a long range shift attack with the first kick acting as a faint,the opponent’s head seems to disappear and then his heel come’s from no where and takes your head clean off :). The boxing stance leaves your lead leg vulnerable to first low kicks out of boxing range and second the single leg scoop(ducking down and picking up the lead leg behind the knee) in boxing range. To check a low kick,your hips need to be more square than a boxing stance so you can raise your shin at the in coming kick in time. Some say don’t check the kick and counter with a straight right hand but for me, a well rounded mma’er must learn to check kick’s. The second one.I thought if someone just picked up my leg with both there arm’s i would box there ears off in no time. What i found was i couldn’t damage them enough to stop the takedown in the short time it takes to put you on the ground…risk-reward lol its not worth it.Boxing has a massive place in mma, I advise friend’s to send there kids boxing first,they are the best back foot fighters in mma, then muiy thia and learn to blend the feet with the hand’s.Then wrestling and bjj = well rounded mma’er… In mma world they say a wrestler decides where the fight happens you can be the best striker in the world but its no good if your pinned to the floor. The Americans do wrestling at school like we do soccer,This give’s them a big advantage on us.

    • Fran April 13, 2018, 7:21 pm

      I’ve come to expect good input from you John, but this one is a classic. I’m sure that this will be really useful to people reading it. It has certainly expanded my horizons. I have big knowledge gaps with MMA and the additional ranges have certainly opened my eyes. I’d guessed about the square stance and this obviously has implications for mobility – but as you say, it’s all about risk/reward as any combat situation does I guess.

      Great comment mate, really appreciate you taking the time.

      • john April 15, 2018, 4:43 pm

        Thanks Fran, Glad to help. full range list because 2 were missed.
        3)close range/clinch
        4)mid range(hands)
        5)long range(hands)
        6)kicking range
        7)jumping kick
        8)double spinning kick

  • steven king October 18, 2017, 1:44 am

    found all comments interesting but a bit disappointed that outside boxing range where a boxer can be very vulnerable to kicks was not discussed much

    • Fran October 18, 2017, 6:35 pm

      I’m going to plead ignorance on that one Steven – I just don’t have the background to really go deep on it. My ‘boxing’ assumption is that seeing a kick coming at long range might be easier than seeing a punch coming. However, I am here to be educated and I’m sure I could be over-simplifying things. Thanks for the comment mate.

    • john April 15, 2018, 5:30 pm

      I found the transition range hard because my instinct was to punch when i should of been wrestling. When someone scoop’s a single leg on you, and there heads just there in front of you looking all vulnerable because there using both hands to gable grip your leg.The problem is the single leg takes your base away and with that your power, and if you don’t defend with grappling you will end up on your back,usually with out the opponent taking to much damage. The clinch can be the same with the urge to punch rather than look for under hooks or over hooks(whizzer’s). This is the range elbow’s and knee’s work best to so even more danger for a boxer :).

  • Gaiter Robert August 17, 2017, 1:50 pm


    • Fran August 18, 2017, 6:35 pm

      Thanks Gaiter 🙂

  • Frank Mitchell August 16, 2017, 12:59 pm

    No experience in MMA, but I was a Brown Belt in Judo, and I once did Contest Karate. I got taught how to put my fist through a wooden plank. Since then I have an aversion to actually hitting anybody. To me it’s like actually breaking your opponent’s arm during a Judo match. I myself got TKO’d twice during Karate sparring.

    To me the crucial difference between Boxing and MMA is that they work at entirely different ranges. The kicks in MMA keep the opponents further apart. They don’t need to “cover up” at this range, and they neglect to do so when they really should.

    MMA kicks can be ludicrous. They keep trying high “Mawashi-Geri” roundhouse kicks, but they never got taught how to flick their leg back properly. Result: Their “Mawashi-Geri Jodan” goes flying past the opponent’s head, and half the time they fall over.

    I don’t understand the MMA “Mount” technique. Judo Groundwork is entirely different. It gives the guy on top room to manoevre and apply Arm-Locks or Strangle-Holds. MMA people know about the “Blood-Choke”, but they don’t seem to know any bent-arm locks, only the Sraight Arm Bar.

    Occasionally you see an MMA contestant who really did learn Judo, and can pull off an effective throw. Mostly though they’re stuck with the Wrestling “Shoot” technique. I don’t see why this is expected to work. They keep getting stuck on the cage when a proper Judo throw could soon put one of them down.

    • Philip Handley August 16, 2017, 1:28 pm

      I did judo and karate in my youth, boxing and MMA after that, I’m forty five and still occasionally compete. All I can say is the only real answers you’ll get can only be gained by participation and experience.
      Fran’s theory is very accurate because of his years of experience, and even then he stipulated it’s just a theory.
      Yours seem to be based on inexperience and very little knowledge, if it’s genuine understanding you want you’ll have earn it by doing it.

      • Fran August 16, 2017, 7:05 pm

        Definitely just a theory of mine Philip, can offer views of boxing but my MMA background is next to nil. Frank’s spent a lot of time around this stuff, he’s our senior by a few years 🙂

        Thanks for your comment mate, all adds to people’s ability to learn of this stuff.


      • Frank Mitchell August 17, 2017, 12:05 pm

        Okay, I’m 68 years old, so I’m unlikely ever to get experience in MMA. My comments were based on what I’ve seen on TV, and I’m not usually impressed. What’s the use of high kicks if you’re going to fall over? And most of the MMA guys who claim they practiced Judo obviously didn’t. My interest is in Self Defence, because I got threatened by a Bogus Doorstep Caller. I don’t believe he’d have been worried if I’d told him I did Contest Karate 40 years previously. But he seemed concerned when I said I worked out with weights. Boxing Fitness seems to offer the best core skills, if a situation ever arises.

    • Fran August 16, 2017, 7:03 pm

      Thanks for your contribution Frank. As always very well thought out and considered, very much appreciate your work

    • john April 10, 2018, 3:22 pm

      Frank, one of the main arm locks is the kimura or figure four arm lock. It’s used everywhere in mma mainly from side mount. The problem with the penetration step judo hip throw is when you step in ,you give your back. That’s why you don’t see it much in the cage.An inside or outside leg trip wont give your back from the same range. A well timed double leg is a thing of beauty,If its timed as the opponent’s hips are coming forward( as he is throwing his right hand) his body weight falls central over your shoulder making it effortless to lift him(like the hip throw).

  • Breyden August 16, 2017, 4:13 am

    Great video.

    • Fran August 16, 2017, 7:02 pm

      Thanks Breyden

  • Daniel lincon August 16, 2017, 12:19 am

    Hope all is well Fran

    Great work and discussion
    On the topic that is stirring the pot.
    Have you tired reaching out to
    Connor McGregor with your theory.
    If he was a smart and wise fighter
    I think he could use what you have to offer
    To his advantage in his next bout.
    I Have have been silently following your work for the past 5 years. Your consistency and devotion always show and I am glad to be apart of
    If the circle which you influence.
    Keep up the great work friend.
    Hope to hear back from you.

    • Fran August 16, 2017, 7:00 pm

      Hey Daniel

      Thank you very much for your kind words, I really appreciate it.

      As for reaching out to Mr McG, no I haven’t. I would hope that he has some good advice in his camp – not sure how much any advice will help to be honest. Going to post a vid tomorrow with my thoughts.

      Thanks very much for taking the time to write to me Daniel

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