When it comes to boxing training, my experience tells me that boxers love two things – sparring and pad work. But, there are three things that they don’t love so much but that are absolutely crucial to them being able to compete.
In this video I will talk you through, in n a bit of detail, those aspects of boxing training that boxers don’t love so much.
The 3 boxing training activities are:
- Roadwork
- Skipping (jumping rope)
- Exercises (groundwork)
You can have the silkiest boxing skills this side of Coyote Creek. But that just will not matter if you don’t have the fitness to maintain those skills for the duration of the ‘situation’. You will get your ass kicked, potentially by someone who is just fitter than you and not better at boxing than you.
So, don’t skip the boxing training activities that you least enjoy, it’s a shortcut to a beating.

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Another great video. I watch all your videos and practice everything you teach. Could you go into some stuff about conserving energy during fighting/sparring. I find that people who are more experienced and at a higher skill level than me can fight much longer even when I’m in better shape overall than they are at the time.
I imagine relaxation and confidence are big factors but more stuff like your double arm block video or just your thoughts on the subject would be great.
Really sorry for the delay John. That’s a really great question. I’ve made a note and will definitely put a video together. There’s lots about being steady on the feet, holding ground and being the one who is applying the pressure. Efficiency of skills is key as well as not trying to hit hard with every punch.
That’s ineresting. Yesterday I went to a two-hour “Self-Training Session” at Holmes Chapel Boxing Club. The Coach set up a Circut and everybody joined in, no complaints whatsoever. Basically this was what they came for. Maybe this was because it was an Adult Session.
That’s it Frank, definitely the maturity of the adult athletes recognising the broad base of fitness required.
Great video Fran. In my experience the favourite boxing training activity is the Speedbag if the gym has one. It seems to hold almost mythical status amongst novice boxers.
Yes Bobby, boxers do like that. Double end bag also a good piece of kit
Hi Fran
Due to beginning arthrosis, I do these instead:
For endurance: cycling
For strength/stability: weight lifting
Haven’t found a substitute for skipping yet…
Appreciate your views.
– P.
Perfect Pierre. You work with what you have, and that is perfectly fine. Limiting the impact on the joints makes absolute sense.
fran: always look forward to your newest video post. You are most encouraging. thanks!