About the Boxing Punch Bag
The presence of a collection of punch bags, also referred to as heavy bags, is one of the key characteristics that defines a boxing gym. Many gyms retain heavy bags that have been part of the furniture for many years, complete with running repairs administered with duct tape following years of impacts from the patrons.
The heavy bag allows you to use different styles and techniques, either moving side to side and pinging off jabs, right crosses and other long range punches, or stepping in close and using crunching short range hooks and short range uppercuts. The heavy bag can be used to improve speed, strength and endurance by configuring the rounds, punching rate and punching style accordingly. It’s also a great way to relieve the stress at the end of a hard day! As an additional bonus, you don’t need much floor space for using a heavy bag, as you need never be any more than a few centimetres out of punching range.
There are a number of different types of heavy bag. Things have moved on a pace since ubiquitous free-hanging bag made famous on the old boxing films (except Rocky, where he used half a cow carcass…it takes all sorts I guess!) Modern punching equipment includes wall-mounted pad systems, angled hanging bags and even ‘person’ shaped high density foam free-standing objects complete with chiseled good looks and taught six-pack. But, do these additional choices actually offer any benefit beyond that offered by the old faithful heavy bag?
In this article I want to describe to you the various options when it comes to buying a piece of heavy hitting equipment and provide a view as to the type of equipment I buy (or don’t buy) when renewing the hitting equipment in the gym.
The Types of Punch Bag
The Heavy Bag
I have used many different styles of bag over the years. The traditional type of heavy bag is what we expect to see. The bag itself is generally hung from a wall-mounted bracket or by using a free-standing system, both of which I’ll cover later in the article. The bag is usually packed very tightly with torn up fabrics, giving a realistic and satisfying impact when striking.
A good heavy bag is made of tough-wearing leather, is cylindrical and comes in various sizes and weights. At the top of the bag is a set of chains or toughened straps with eyes that allow the bag to be hung from a hook. I prefer to go for the chains as they tend to be much more hard-wearing. With the straps, the eyes can often fail resulting in the straps tearing and the bag being rendered useless.
The Maize Bag
The maize bag is a tear-drop shaped heavy bag filled with, unsurprisingly, maize. The maize bag is a wonderful piece of equipment that enables massively powerful hooks and uppercuts to be developed at short range. The maize bag is available in a range of colours and sizes, although traditionally tend to be classed as be small (approximately 15kg) or large (30kg+). The smaller version cannot be hit with the same force as the larger version, but it does offer the option of swinging to allow excellent development of the slipping, ducking and rolling skills.
Due to the shape of the bag and the nature of the filling, it has a unique response and ‘feel’ when hit with a shot. When a heavy shot is landed, the bag absorbs power without the ‘spring’ that is present with most heavy bags. For this reason the maize bag is not really practical for round-after-round use, not if you value being able to feel your hands after a workout anyway.
If you have plenty of space available to buy and heavy bag and a maize bag, then they are well worth the value. If I were restricted to just one piece of heavy hitting equipment, it would be the heavy bag rather than the maize bag.
The Angled Heavy Bag
The angled heavy bag is a real favourite of mine. It is in effect a compromise between the conventional heavy punch bag and the maize bag. As well of the core of long range punches, the angled heavy bag allows a range of uppercuts and hooks to be used as well. This is because of the unique shape. The key is that an angled heavy bag is packed in the same way as a conventional heavy bag and not with maize. So, it isn’t as dense and solid as a maize bag and is therefore more practical for prolonged use over a number of rounds. If I were to own only one punch bag, it would be an angled heavy bag.
Wall Mounted Pad Systems
In terms of the wall-mounted pad system, I feel that unless you are working to a generous budget and you have ample floor space available, these pieces of equipment should be reserved for a full-sized gym. A key benefit of this type of system is that it encourages the boxer to combine effective footwork with dynamic body movements and a varied range of punches. Many also believe the solidity of the device improves punching power. Mike Tyson was famous for using one early in his career, and he could hit a bit!
My own view is that possessing a wall-mounted pad system is something for a boxing gym rather than a home set up. The reason is the same as it is for the maize bag, it is impractical for use for a prolonged period such as a session of 6 x 3 minute rounds. It’s definitely a ‘nice to have’ rather than a ‘must have’.
Free-Standing Systems
The is a relative newcomer to the scene, the free-standing heavy bag. Whilst these tend not to be used in boxing gyms, they are certainly an option if limited space is a problem. They effectively have the bag mounted on a vertical pole into a heavy base. The big benefit is that it can be stored away after use. The drawback is that you don’t get the ‘swing’ of the bag that adds so much to the workout.
Another modern piece of equipment is the free-standing ‘human’ target, made from high density plastics and rubbers and complete with life-like body shape. I’ve seen these pieces of equipment in gyms over the years, but it has to be said not very often.
In principle, the idea is sensible, but what I’ve witnessed is that people constantly strike the target under the chin with uppercuts. On one memorable occasion, this focused assault led to a split in the neck of the dummy and ultimately a complete decapitation, generating the rather disconcerting situation of a mock human head bouncing across the floor of the gym.
My own view is that this piece of equipment is an expensive luxury that I feel may add little, if any, additional value to that provided by more conventional heavy bags. If you are really pushed for space, then the fact that the device is free-standing is a positive. It would be far less intrusive than some of the standing heavy bag hanging systems.
Hanging Your Heavy Bag
There are 2 basic methods of suspending a heavy bag/maize bag/angled heavy bag:
- Wall Brackets
- Boxing Stands
The wall brackets are, as you would expect, secured to a suitably solid wall. When fixing the bracket to the wall, great care needs to be taken to ensure that the fixings are appropriate for the job. A heavy bag being smashed with punches is quite a load to consider. I can think of few things more embarrassing or indeed painful than to be knocked unconscious be a falling steel wall bracket, so make sure you read the instructions provided with the bracket.
The boxing stand comes in a range of designs. If you are unable or unwilling to use wall-mounted brackets, and a free-standing bag/boxing dummy is not for you, then the use of a boxing stand might be the way to go. The boxing stand is effectively a steel frame that provides the stability required to suspend the heavy bag. Again they are really a piece of equipment for the domestic/mainstream gym environment rather than a boxing gym. They can though be a tidy solution although I would try to go for a model that allowed a degree of movement around the bag without the risk of stumbling over the ‘feet’ of the stand.
My preference would be to use the wall-mounted bracket, for both reasons of price and of the stability. Some of the cheaper boxing stands look to me like you may need to add weight to the bottom to guarantee that the whole thing doesn’t go toppling over as you pound home the shots. As long as you fix a wall bracket properly, it will stand the test of time.
I hope that you have found this article useful. Why not head off now and find out a little about the boxing gloves that you might use to go with the heavy bag of your choice.

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Just starting up in boxing.
What do you think of 4ft punch bags from this website https://onexsport.co.uk/
Boxing Bag Buying Guide: As you know, boxing bag is one of the most essential training equipments for boxers and fighters. If you want to choose the best boxing bag for your daily workouts.
It was a very complete and comprehensive shopping guide. Thank you very much for publishing this article
Hi, i want to buy heavy bag for my basment which i adapted to be my little gym:), problem is that, in my area, the variety is not the best. I have only a few options and none of them is premium brand. I have very limited choice of bags that weight 100pounds and they are pretty expensive and I have to wait to get them. My weight is180(82kg), so the question is, can I get the beg of only 70pounds(Lonsdale bag 5ft tall). I’m concerned about it swinging too much and not giving me enough resistance to develop power. Thank you very much, your videos are golden!!
Hey Mili
If it’s the choice between a 5ft 70 pound bag and none, then go with the 70 pound bag. Of course a heavier bag would be better if you can wait, but ultimately you can ‘manage’ the movement of the bag. And actually, improvement in power will come from improved technique and strength and conditioning work.
Hope this helps, love the sound of your basement gym 🙂
Hi Fran,
I have a heavy bag but I was considering buying a 12″ Aquabag as the heavy bag isn’t ideal for practising uppecuts.
Do you think there is any advantage over an Aquabag to a regular uppercut bag?
Thanks for the great coaching videos and articles. I’ve been using the bag for the past three months and there’s been a massive improvement since I started following your advice.
Hello Kevin
Thanks for your comment and your kind words.
I think an advantage might be that the aquabag has less resistance than a maize bag. The maize bag is pretty much rock hard, so you can only really do a round or two at a time. The aqua bag looks like there is more ‘give’ from what I can tell…although I’ve never actually used one.
Hope this helps.
Great article. Was wondering what the best way would be to hang a heavy bag from a metal beam. The walls are concrete so a wall hook won’t work.
Hello Melody
I would use chains (with hooks) looped over the top of the metal beam. Not sure if that helps? Otherwise a standing bag (or some heavy duty drill bits to but a wall bracket into the concrete).
hi Fran,
my son whos 21 has just taken up boxing and has his first amature fight in 3 months !! im wanting to buy him a boxing bag but have no idea what im looking for he is 6ft 4 and weighs approx 12/13 stone im told he has a great reach ? im hoping to hang it in his room for his birthday
can you help
hi Fran,
my son whos 21 has just taken up boxing and has his first amature fight in 3 months !! im wanting to buy him a boxing bag but have no idea what im looking for he is 6ft 4 and weighs approx 12/13 stone im told he has a great reach ? im hoping to hang it in his room surprise for his birthday
can you help
Hi Raya
Great, bet he’s really looking forward to it – I’m sure it will be a great experience.
It’s a nice idea, the heavy bag in the bedroom. However, I wouldn’t if I were you. He’s a big lad and I don’t think he will get the use out of it – he gets plenty of nag hitting time in the gym. Plus fixing the thing to walls ceiling, it’s not terribly straightforward in that environment.
I would go with a really nice pair of boxing gloves. Have a look at this page:
I would go with sparring boxing gloves or amateur competition gloves. Prices vary, in general the more you spend the better the quality. Go for velcro straps. Have a good look on amazon, there’s plenty of options.
Hope this helps.
Have bought a stand up bag – what is better gloves or straps
Not sure what straps are Jason? Would always say gloves anyhow, with good wraps/hand protection underneath.
Hi there. Thanks for above info. I want to know which punching bag is good for punching as well as kicking. I am beginner weight 164lbs height 173 cm. I am interested in learning karv Maga so though should strengthen arms and legs. Thank you in advance
The full length kick boxing bags would suit (long and thin so that the bottom of the bag is almost touching the floor for leg kicks).
Hey Fran,
Actually I am a beginner. I am 5’9″ tall and weigh 132 pounds. And i wish to practise at my home. Would you please suggest me which punching bag should i use? How much should it weigh. What should i focuss upon as a beginner.
Hi Prasad
Sign up to the free coaching videos through the site, that will give you some stuff to work on. I really like the angled heavy bags, maybe go for a 70 to 100lb bag. AS you learn you will start punching harder to a heavier bag will be more suited to your development.
Hope this helps.
Fabulous article. I’m a beginner and reading this has been very informative. Thank you for taking the time to write it. Vanessa.
I have just read all the questions and answers too and found many have been helpful for me. Thanks again for taking your time to help!
Off to hunt for a heavy bag!
🙂 Hope the heavy bag hunt went well!!!
No worries Vanessa, thank you for the feedback
Hi Cole
Really any of the bags under the ‘Heavy Bags’ section of this article would do, with a chain set up of your bar to hang the bag from. Gloves are needed, check out this article.
Hey Nikki
Thanks for the question. Bit of an unusual request, not one I’ve had before 🙂
Maybe try gaffer tape/duck tape? Wrap the bag around the area where you will wrap your legs, that might do it.
I am thinking of getting a heavy bag, mainly to improve fitness, i have a log cabin in my garden as a gym, i have 2 questions, 1st, a wall mounted bracket, would the wooden wall be strong enough, i thought maybe i could put a piece of wood outside and inside and use bolts, 2nd what height would you suggest the bag should be hung.
Difficult to know really Tom, maybe get someone who can assess fixings to have a look, a builder mate maybe? In terms of height, the bottom of the bag should be about the same height as your groin area…approximately.
Hi Fran – great article! You mentioned kick-boxing specific bags… can you recommend one or an article that deals with them please? I’m 5’11”, 160 lbs and looking for a workout around 3 x 3 min rounds, so the heavy bag type you mention sounds the right kind of thing, but if I’m in a small garage would a floorstanding bag be better? Many thanks.
I don’t really know kick boxing stuff Chris, other than their heavy bags hang very low to enable low kicks. As for floor-standing bag, however little space I had I would make the hanging heavy bag my choice. The main reason people go for a floor-standing bag is to avoid drilling holes in walls/ceilings. Thanks
Hi Fran,
Because I’m over 60 my bone density is below par. I was thinking of using a heavy bag (punching and striking with leg) as a way of building up bone density (as well as fitness). Any advice on a good size.
Hi Nichola
I think that you will find that any of the bags above (heavy bag or angled heavy bag) would do for the arm strikes – not the maize bag though. However, given you want to use kicks too I would suggest that you go with one of the kick boxing-specific bags that hang to the floor.
I’m looking for a heavy bag. I have a low-ceilinged basement, which rules out anything that hangs–I don’t want to punch chains
. I’m looking for a freestanding heavy bag, but I don’t want the kind with a water-filled base that I have to chase around. I want one that I can bolt into the floor. I know they exist because the tae kwon do club at a school had one half a lifetime ago, but I can’t find one like that. Any recommendations?
Hi great advice wish I had found this last year. I have a low garage (7-8ft) ish. I want a suitable bag and looking at wrecking ball or maize bag due to the height. Are they suitable for an absolute beginner? Also I can wall mount into single layer brick or from wooden roof beam. Any advice on which one would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
Hey Mike
You can go with a maize bag if you are concerned about the low roof. Be aware thought that they are pretty solid so are not ideal for prolonged use. I generally only do 1 round in every 4 on the maize bag. IF there’s any way at all you can fit in the heavy bag, I’d go with that.
As for the fixings, I’d get a builder to have a look at it. In the gym we hang them off steel uprights or roof mounted scaffold, so not really comparable.
Hope this helps mate.
Thanks for that Fran
Hi mate,
Thinking about a garage bag, there are metal beams running across the ceiling but wasn’t sure whether it would be more ideal to hang it from a (gray bricks and mortar, no breezeblocks sadly) wall bracket. I’m also concerned as to which one would be the safest and surest method so as to avoid damaging the property itself, so any advice would be appreciated. If i would gain an advantage from using the bag hung in either way, that might swing the deal though.
Cheers, nice article btw.
Hello Paddy
Sorry for the delay mate.
In terms of the fixings if you have a builder mate he (or she) would be much better placed to provide the advice. If it were me I would go with the easiest option which I would assume to be the metal beams – no need for a bracket or fixings into the walls. Being able move around the being a full 360 degrees is cool (as opposed to the 180 when hanged off a wall).
Hope the advice helps mate
Hi nice article. I have an old house .it has a very high roof so the beam is very high..can I use a 30 foot chain to hang the punching bag or will the sway be too much? If not what it the approximate maximum lenght that I can use? Wall mounting is not an option for me because the walls are weak .
Thanks in advance
Btw The bag is 55 lbs
Hi Dylan
The bag will swing more the longer the chain. However, You can use the bag properly and ‘stop’ the swing with punches so that would be fine. 30 feet is a very, very long chain though! Those ceilings are pretty high!!!
I have a 17 year old son with quite a temper. He’s been hitting doors, walls, etc. I wanted to get him a punching bag with the stand to use in the garage. Is one better than another? Is 70 lb sufficient?
You might prefer to hang the bag from wall/roof beam – bit more cost effective and useful.
In terms of hitting the thing, try and get him to look at some videos on the site to learn the basics, or even better join a local boxing club. If he can focus on learning the technical aspects of boxing, that would be quite constructive I think.
Hi Fran, thanks for sharing this piece of info, greatly appreciate it.
I just want your advise really. Basically I’ve only just discovered how much a cardio workout boxing is, and I’m genuinely interested in loosing weight using this technique. Unfortunately i don’t have that much space in my house in order for me to invest into hanging a heavy bag, more importantly i don’t think my house walls would be able to cope with the weight of it. And so i researched on free standing punching bags as i thought its the only option…however i doubt that i would truly see any full potential result and it wouldn’t be that efficient of a workout, leading it to be a waste of money.. I’m really stuck lol, i really do not know what to do!! You’re help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, I want to get my son (13) a punch bag for his birthday, but not sure what size to get. Thinking of a wall mounted one in his bedroom, do you have any advice?
Many thanks
Hello Adam
Couple of things. I’d probably avoid hanging it in his room, unless you’re in a 20 room mansion. The noise, vibration and footwork will quickly become a real pain. I’d maybe set something up in your garage, or even off the wall in the back garden (you could take the bag down in bad weather).
Go with something light and fairly small. Maybe like this one. You’ll need a simple wall bracket.
If you do want something in his room, I’d go with a free standing affair like this one.
Hope this helps mate.
Hey guys.
I am planning on a punching bag for my basement. Do I need to use a wall bracket or can I hang it from one of the beams. I know it is a stupid question but I want to be fully prepared and money is tight.
Thanks in advance.
Hanging from a beam should be fine Al. It also means you’ll get 360 degree movement around the bag – not crucial but a ‘nice to have’
Good informative site, thank you.
I am planning on hanging a heavy bag from a beam in the garage. Would you suggest a 4 or 5 foot bag? I would like to reduce swing as much as possible, and don’t plan to do any kicking. Apart from length, what is the difference between how a 4 and 5 foot bag behaves?
Hey Chris
I’d go with the larger bag. It’s not really how the bag behaves, it’s more how you use it. You will always get a little swing but then you can use your next shot to stop the swing dead. Check out this link for 5 rules when hitting a heavy bag. Hope this helps Chris.
Would you tell me what I need to know to replace my speed bag that died 40 years ago? I am getting back into boxing as an means to keeping fit… I am now pushing 63.
I’d go with a heavy bag over a speed bag Vic. 63 – no problem. The magic never leaves you apparently 🙂
I was wondering can a heavy bag ever go bad? My dad used to use his but he had it hanging outside and from a hurricane it fell to the ground and it has been laying there for maybe a year and a half. If I were to take it to my place and clean it up would it be still a good bag?
Probably Yuliana, as long as it’s not hanging in your lounge as it might smell a bit! No reason why it couldn’t be used though, just let it under cover so it can dry out.
Hi Fran,
I dont need any advice but I would like to complement you on the article and all the good advice you dished out in response to the questions asked.
Good stuff pal, keep it up.
Kind regards,
Cheers Daniel, that’s very kind of you.
Hi Fran,
Am looking for a bag for the garage.
How much room do I need around the bag? Can I pin it up on the joists reasonable close to the wall or should it come out a reasonable amount?
Close to the wall is fine, you still have 180- degrees around the bag to move, that’s more than enough.
I am looking for advice on what to get my boyfriend and he asked for a punching bag for Christmas and he’s 6’1″ and weighs about 220# and is wanting a good quality punching bag to hang in his shop.. He has never boxed before but is wanting to get into it for fitness. Thank you for you help in advance!
Hi Bobbie
I’d go for something heavy, maybe 60lb/100lb. You’re also going to need a wall mounted bracket (see above) and some gloves and wraps. Your man can then spend some time working through the videos on the site to get some tips on how to get the most out of his punch bag. Hope this helps Bobbie. Merry Christmas.
dear Fran my ten year old son is keen on a boxing bag and found this set from RDX which seems like a good way to start. I appreciate you have already offered your own suggestions but do you think we’d be wasting our money on the attached? I found your website and comments really helpful, my sister found you by searching: how do I prevent a boxing bag from falling through my ceiling!
Authentic RDX 13PC Professional Boxing Set Punch Bag 4FT/5FT,Gloves,Bracket MMA AB
its £31 plus another £29 postage
Hey Philippa
Yes that bag and glove set will certainly do for a new starter, especially one as young as your boy. It terms of it not falling through your ceiling, it appears to come with a wall bracket so it will be a wall-mounted job. Make sure it’s a solid wall (not plasterboard) and that the fixing you use are appropriate. SHould be fine if fitted properly. If you want to hang it from the ceiling, you are going to have to get a ceiling hook/attachment and make sure it’s screwed into a joist.
Hope this helps and thanks for the question. Hope your son enjoys his new gear.
thank you vety much indeed cant wait to place the order and then have a go! if he lets us.
Hi Fran I use a heavy bag with a wall bracket, last year I replaced the canvas straps on the bag with chains as they were almost worn through at the ringlets. The chains have a swivel and ring at the top. Just recently I’ve noticed there’s quite a lot of wear on both the ring and the bracket hook due to them constantly rubbing together do you have any tips to slow this down? Thanks.
Thanks mate I’ll give it a go
what do u think about this one?
BBE PUNCHBAG STAND Unisex Adult Boxing Black
Hi Fran
Very informative website without any jargon or BS!
Could you tell me if it is OK to suspend any of the above bags directly from the joists in my garage? My idea being that I could then work on the bag 360 degrees without being hindered by a wall or stand.
I am just worried about continually vibrating the joists leading to eventual structural damage of mine and my neighbours roof! Is such a system in use and could it be reinforced with anything to prevent structural damage? I have to say I would of thought a typical roof (angled joists) should be pretty sturdy right?
Cheers in advance for any help.
Thanks for the kind words pal.
Hanging a heavy bag of solid roof joists is not something I’d be too worried about personally. The weight is important, for example a Maize Bag might make me a little more reluctant because they are so bloody heavy!
Just keep an eye out for any obvious signs of cracks etc. over the first few weeks. Any doubts, get a builder mate to have a look and make a judgement.
Hope this helps Mark.
I was just wondering how much weight is required to hold down a boxing stand with bag
It varies Lynn. Most systems should not need it really.
Hi there. Thank you for your comment, I’m happy that the site helps.
Don’t fill your bag with sand or it will be like hitting a brick wall. The ideal filling is old clothes/rags, tightly packed. This gives great resistance. To stop the bag swinging too much, check out the article “The Heavy Bag – 5 Rules to Hit by”, that will help.
Hi Jenny.
Sounds to me like you need to leave it in-situ. Lifting on and off a heavy bag is no picnic (as you can testify). What really matters is the quality of the fixings. I recommend that you get a suitably qualified person to fix it. Heavy fixings are vital, so if you can get the services of a professional builder then that would be best. By the way, it’s not a big job, an hour’s work and minimal materials, so you should not be getting a big invoice!
Hope this helps.
Hi Fran,
In this article you don’t mention hanging a heavy bag from a ceiling as an option. If we tap into a floor joist, isn’ this a viable option?
Hey Chris
Yes, absolutely the ceiling is an option, as long as the joist is available for use. In the gym we have a scaffold erected to the ceiling and the bags hang from that. When I researched the article though, I found only one purpose-developed hanging mechanism for the ceiling. I’m sure that that the more engineer-minded heavy bag user could come up with a useful solution!
Thanks Chris
Hey James
I’m glad that the club is still going well, you’ve built something that will last!
If you don’t have anywhere to hang the bag, then a stand up one will do. Make sure there’s plenty of weight in the base, or alternatively you could go for the type that hangs on it’s own frame, although that might be a little too expensive. Truth is you need a bag, so go with what you can get.
Thanks James, nice to hear from you.
Hey Benjamin
Thank you for the comment, I’m glad that the site is helping on your way to boxing success.
If space is at a premium, then the Hyperflex Bag is in my opinion a suitable alternative to a heavy bag even though it’s quite different. There is a knack to using a piece of equipment like that, but I’m sure you’ll master it. One tip, keep the power shots down and go for speed.
I encountered an intriguing home-made punching bag option while training in Thailand: a trio of car tires connected and suspended by chains running through the rims along three axes. I loved it! It can be hard on the knuckles if you don’t have sufficiently padded hands , but it also has a lot of give and lets you know what having serious snap on your punches feels like! I can’t find any images of this “bag”, so I will email my own photo for your viewing pleasure.