There are literally 1000s of different pairs of boxing gloves available out there. There appear to be very few limitations in terms of the shape, style, weight, size and colour and in fact the options are so many and varied that many people become utterly confused when it comes to making the right purchase for their needs.
In this article I am going clear the whole thing up by giving you 6 very simple things to know before you buy boxing gloves. After reading this article you will be able to go and buy the pair of boxing gloves that will best meet your needs at a price that is right. I will also provide some examples of the types of boxing gloves that I would be happy to buy when equipping the boxers that I work with or indeed for my own training needs.
Boxing Gloves – A (Very) Brief History
When I say there is a massive range of boxing gloves available, I really mean it. In the ancient civilisation of the Greeks, when the first activities that could be broadly described as ‘boxing matches’ took place, the combatants sported ergonomically carved rocks bound to the hands using leather straps and ropes. I’ve not been able to track down any hard facts and figures regarding the safety record of the sport at that time, but I really can’t imagine that it was a pastime that was associated with a long and healthy life.
The technology of boxing gloves has moved on significantly since the times of the ancient Greeks, and indeed continues to develop. Boxing gloves as we would recognise them were first laced up in the late 1800s, up to that point bare-knuckle boxing was the norm.
Boxing gloves offer protection to both the hands of the assailant but more importantly to the head and body of the assailed. Back in the 1800s, and indeed up until 1950s, boxing gloves were very light and thinly padded, with the average weight barely registering 4oz. The design of modern boxing gloves has been heavily influenced by safety and are therefore quite different from their Victorian predecessors.
6 Things To Know Before Buying
So, what types of gloves are available now and for what are they used? Well, it’s a bit more involved than simply hitting each other in the head! To answer this very straightforward question I am going to provide you with 6 very simple statements.
What I want you to do is read the 6 statements. Having read and understood the 6 statements you can then continue to read on through the article where you will find further information about the various types of boxing gloves and some examples of those available in the marketplace.
OK, the 6 simple statements that will help you understand the world of boxing gloves are:
Statement #1
Boxing gloves are used for exchanging punches with a fellow boxer either during sparring or during a boxing match.
Statement #2
Boxing gloves are used when working with punching equipment such as the heavy punch bag or punch pads.
Statement #3
All of those gloves available on the market can be used on punching equipment. There are boxing gloves that are traditionally used on punching equipment, and these are referred to as boxing bag gloves or bag mitts, but you need to understand that all boxing gloves available can be used on punching equipment.
Statement #4
Only a certain type of boxing gloves may be used during sparring. These boxing gloves are known as sparring boxing gloves.
Statement #5
Only certain types of boxing gloves may be used during an amateur boxing match. These boxing gloves are known as amateur boxing gloves.
Statement #6
Only certain types of boxing gloves may be used during a professional boxing match. These boxing gloves are known as pro boxing gloves.
So, having established our 6 statements let’s now plunge into some more detail regarding the types of boxing gloves that we have identified.
Boxing bag gloves tend to go up to 10oz to 12oz in weight and are available in a range of colours to suit any taste. Bag glove options have moved on significantly over the years from the traditional style bag glove that has no wristband and very compact, thin padding. Also available now are a range of hybrid boxing gloves that take design elements from the competition boxing glove range and combine these with the characteristics of the traditional boxing bag mitt.
When choosing bag gloves, I tend to go with a pair from one of the main suppliers such as Everlast, RDX, Title, Cleto Reyes, Lonsdale etc. These companies have been designing and manufacturing boxing gloves for many years and I’ve yet to find a pair with any particular design deficiency. This said, there is a considerable personal preference aspect in terms of the ‘feel’ of the boxing glove and as such there is some trial and error involved. I for instance dislike those bag gloves that for some reason have the thumb removed, I just don’t get it and would therefore not buy a pair.
There is one issue upon which I will not compromise, regardless of the type of boxing gloves that I am buying. I will always opt for the gloves being made from leather. The internal filling can vary, but the main body of the glove must be leather for me. My experience is that other imitation leather options simply split along the seams following what has to be said is fairly limited use. Leather is King!
Finally, having bought a pair of boxing bag gloves, it’s vital that you give yourself time to settle in with them. Aim to complete at least about 50 rounds of bag work before you decide whether they are for you. This should help avoid you becoming involved in a very expensive boxing glove merry-go-round!
Do you feel that you have an improved understanding of what is available in the world of boxing gloves? Be sure to let me know by posting a comment below. By the way, whatever activity you are undertaking with your boxing gloves, be sure to use some kind of effective hand protection such as bandages, hand wraps or undergloves. Hand injuries are no fun at all!

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Thank you for the insight about gloves!
I started boxing in January 2018 and right now have to stop training for 2 months because i got my right cheekbone fractured in a sparring match in the gym. I went the first time to friday free training and after warm up 2 guys asked me if i wanna spar and i said sure.
First round I got a taller, heavier dude and had to eat a good liver shot; after that i paused and the other 2 dudes fought very harshly. Then I had to fight a heavier but smaller Mike Tyson kinda-guy who was very aggressive in his stlye. At the end I did a small mistake oversight and got punched on the eye, the pain knocking me out.
the person looking over the training said i had enough for today and should go see the doctor if it doesnt get better tomorrow.
I talked with the Tyson guy and he gave me some good feedback, but I also found out that they used 12oz gloves which seemed not good to me, as I personally used 18oz to not hurt anyone.
Considering that I felt his knuckles on my face on impact I now understand what you just said. When I wrote the owner of the club he said I should have guarded my head better.
In the end I had to go to hospital for operation and now have to not train for 2 months at least and hopefully there will be no complications on my eye.
Hi Mirko
Don’t go back to that gym, find another.
Give yourself plenty of time to recover and once you begin training, don’t think about sparring for at least 4 weeks until your conditioning is back up to scratch.
There is no reason why someone who has been boxing for 9 months should be ending up with an injury of that seriousness.
Hope your recovery goes well.
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I’m researching for a boxing film set in Hong Kong 1955-1957.
We have sparring, hand pads and amateur matched with 17 y.o school boys and 1 10 y.o
Can anyone let me know of a good website for info? as i know the size of gloves went up in 1948 for pro but finding it hard to get into on amateur.
Links to photo’s also appreciated.
I’m totally stuck between the Title Classic Hook-and-Loop Leather Training Gloves (14 oz) and Venum Challenger 2.0 Boxing Gloves (14 oz). Any advice? I’m a beginner, and usually spar, and sometimes do bag work.
Hi Fatima
Sorry for the delay. I think either would do. I certainly wouldn’t prevent a beginner sparring with this type of glove as long as they were not a big person.
Go with the ones that you think look nicer or are cheaper 🙂
Hi Joanne.
I would go with a 10oz pair of the heavy bag or hybrid back gloves. They should do fine as you are doing simple pad work.
Check the page above Choo, the section on Bag Gloves/Mitts – there’s some recommendations there.
Brilliant tips Alex. Hand size is not something I’d even considered, although I should have mentioned it with bag gloves (always better going with the largest size).
Thanks, top tip of the week.
Actually I read that the ancient Greeks used soft padded gloves originally. But I read it in Book 1 of Pausanias’ “Description Of Greece”, which relates the gruesome story of Creugas and Damoxenos at the Nemean Games. I used to believe this sort of thing was an invention of the “Mortal Kombat” variety, until I discovered it was the tradtional Mongolian technique for slaughtering a sheep. But the Greeks still had rules: The guy got disqualified on a technicality.
Excellent Frank. Brought a smile and a shudder at the same time. My source was Boxing – An Illustrated History by Harry Carpenter 🙂
Hey fran I know this comment has nothing to do with the article, but I need urgent help.
I was planning on competing nationally next year, but I lost my first 3 fights due to performance anxiety. I cannot cope with it.
I had and still have the talent to beat alltmy opponents ive faced, but I keep getting nervous.
did this ever happen to you? How did you cope with it?
also, I think I should give up my dreams of becoming a national champion next year
Hi there.
Never give up your dreams!
Read these articles, hopefully you’ll get something from them.
Hey Fran,
How are you. I had a quick question. My friend at the gym just picked up a pair of Golden Gear MMA gloves. Have you ever heard of them? The gear is handmade in Thailand and it is supposedly a new brand? I wanted to know if you knew anything about this brand? Im thinking of getting a pair:
Please let me know. Thanks
I don’t know that brand and so cannot comment directly. What I would say is that that fight gloves. training gloves and sparring gloves are all at the top end of the price range. They are really quite expensive.
Sorry I can’t be of more help.
Thanks Fran for these tips…..I’ve wondered about glove weights for a while, and your explanations are simple and straight forward! I come from a martial arts background, including Muay Thai, and currently I’m still working on my stance adjustments. I wanted to pick up an amateur fight, but apparently there are no other amateur female boxers within 5 years of my age registered in Australia! I train 5-6 times per week and just love it. However, sadly, it looks like I’m somewhat of a ‘freak’ still fighting at 53. lol. Oh well, plenty of youth to spar with at the gym! 🙂
Great stuff Wendy. You make sure that you keep those younger folk in place. A cool head on those shoulders will allow you to do this. Glad that the articles are helping.
thanks a bunch sir! 😀 i am a under 18 boxer from pakistan and i must say these tips for finding the perfect pair are very good!!!
Thank you Shahzeb, I am really happy that the advice has helped a young fighter! Cheers
Thanks,Fran. You confirmed what I suspected. I did find “old school” bag gloves from Title Boxing. They are leather,which I like as they will stretch a little with time. I can use wraps again,which allows more intense punching without sore wrists.( $20.00,I cant complain.) I dont grapple with myself in my basement,so I dont need the fingerless style.LOL
Ive had trouble finding”old school” bag gloves locally in the midwest USA,and found them on the internet. I have used the fingerless MMA style but they are too small to permit wraps.Im 56 and train for fitness; three time a week for 20 minutes or so. I really question whether the latter style offers enough wrist protection for intense workouts.( I have a history of weight training so im not a welterweight build.) Your comments on going “wrapless would be appreciated sir.
Fity, I’d avoid ‘wrapless’ at all costs. Wraps with conventional bag gloves are even more important than with larger gloves, both for additional knuckle protection as well as support for the wrist (as you point out). As your technique improves, the power of the shots you throw will increase accordingly. So, hand protection cannot be compromised. If you can’t get proper bag gloves, go with larger ones. I am a little surprised that you can’t source any. Have you tried the Amazon route? They had a reasonable range of options last time I checked.
hi Fran
only came across site today. excellent!
keep it coming-punches and combinations thereof–typical reactions and counters, from novice through to pro
think the fight analysis is great also–please do more, both amateur and different pro styles
ha and while at it bag work techniques.
i have looked up most dvds etc i could get on boxing etc and i think you could expand on these with that suggested above as it would be a reference to students and trainers alike
chris mc ardle
Some great ideas there Chris, and I’ll make sure that the plans for the upcoming months incorporate some of these gems. Thanks for the comments, it’s very important that visitors such as yourself provide your views as it allows me to develop the site in the right way!
Thanks mate.