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Boxing Combinations – Jab with a Twist

Boxing Combinations for Success!

It’s very often the flashy boxing combinations that catch the eye of the majority of observers.  However, this little combination is typical of the type that gain the plaudits of the true boxing experts.  I really urge you to study this combination, as gaining a true understanding will help you build key elements of an individual boxing style suited to you!

Right, now for the combination.  It’s simple, but it’s very effective, so don’t fall into the trap of not appreciating it’s importance!

Its in 3 phases:

  1. Throw a jab
  2. Perform a Lay Back
  3. Then double jab on the attack (moving forward)

The first jab has the effect of soliciting a response from the opponent.  There are usually 2 types of response which are not dissimilar to the principle of fight or flight.  The opponent will either cover up tight, or, alternatively will instantly throw a long range shot back.  Being that we are dealing with boxers here, it shouldn’t come as a total surprise that the most likely response is the latter!  The lay back allows that response to fall short, following which the double jab on the attack nails the opponent flush. Remember, the when throwing the double jab, it’s one jab per move forward, so ensure that the hands and feet work in co-ordination.

OK, is this combination going to end the contest in the blink of an eye?  Of course it isn’t.  But, it will have the effect of demoralising an opponent; it’s not a very pleasant experience being popped hard in the face with 3 stinging jabs in around a second…and missing with your own!  This type of combination is as sweet as the sweet science gets.  It allows a boxer to stalk an opponent, wearing them down and setting them up for the more damaging shots to follow!

Finally, practice this in slow, mechanical fashion.  Ensure that you observe all of the simple mechanics of each skill element whilst at the same time avoiding the faults.  Build up the speed gradually, remember that at full competition speed, this combination will be delivered in around one second…and that’s fast!!!  Check out the article on boxing combinations to get more of an understanding of the technical theory behind building effective combinations.  In the meantime, leave a question or comment below.



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