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Boxing Combinations – 5 Ways of Doubling Up

Doubling up punches, or throwing more than one punch in quick succession with the same hand, is the sign of a well-drilled boxer.

Doubling up can add a real sparkle to your boxing combinations as well as bringing some real destructive capacity.

Doubling Up!

The 5 mini boxing combinations that I demonstrate in the video are:

  • The double jab
  • The double hook to the head
  • The hook body/hook head
  • Double back hand hook with a foot shift.
  • Flank and centre line attack.

Something to try when whacking out these boxing combinations – drop the power of the first punch. Use it as a diversion, a set up, a feint to inflict serious damage with that second shot.

So there we go, some simple ways to double up your shots and build solid boxing combinations.



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  • Jimmy Brennan June 8, 2021, 12:05 pm

    Nice one Fran.
    Great demonstrations as well.

    • Fran June 9, 2021, 7:46 pm

      Thanks Jim 👍

  • Alan Daniel arias June 7, 2021, 11:06 pm

    I love your videos and wish you would train me personally hands on

    • Fran June 9, 2021, 7:46 pm

      Thank you