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Boxing Bag Workout – Harder AND Smarter

A boxing bag workout here that will make you work HARDER and SMARTER. The heavy bag is at the centre of a boxer’s workout regime. Slamming away at the bag is all well and good, but if you can develop your boxing brain at the same time then you can unlock the ultimate boxing bag workout.

Boxing Bag Workout

This workout on the heavy bag breaks down a single 10 minute round into 5 x 2 minute sections, with each section requiring a minimum number of punches to be thrown:

Minutes 0-2 – Single punch
Minutes 2-4 – Two punches
Minutes 4-6 – Three punches
Minutes 6-8 – Four punches
Minutes 8-10 – Five punches

But the minimum punch requirement is only part of the story. We have to incorporate a range of techniques that build to make this a ‘smart’ boxing bag workout rather than just a ‘hard’ boxing bag workout.

Some of the techniques that I cover in the video are:

Prepared and unprepared attacks
End defensive
Active recovery
Centreline and flank attacks
Linking skills



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  • Alvaro May 29, 2023, 7:35 pm

    Awesome thanks for this always giving us creative ideas for work

    • Fran May 30, 2023, 6:22 pm

      Thank you Alvaro👍👍👍

  • Owen May 22, 2023, 10:28 am

    Thank You Sir, another great lecture. Believe it or not, I love pounding with the 1,1,2,1,2 as hard as I can. Yours in health, Owen

  • Ron Mitchell May 9, 2023, 12:16 am

    Thank you for sharing this an so many other valuable training and fighting techniques. All I do now is hit things that don’t hit back, but can’t wait to try this ten minutes drill. You are an awesome trainer and coach. I use several of your techniques, on bags to stay in shape. Truly, thanks to you.

    • Fran May 9, 2023, 7:12 pm

      Thanks Ron. A man after my own heart, hitting things that don’t hit back, a great way to while away the hours👍

  • Drew Lastra May 8, 2023, 6:51 pm

    Also, I do a “tap tap” drill that Mayweather used. Three minutes, hands have to be on the bag with no breaks. we don’t punch hard, just a tap but the hands are always moving until the round ends. You can move up close or use range. Even with out throwing hard, this drill is TOUGH. Money used to do this for 15 minutes!!!! I barely survive three minutes!!! Can you talk about how to incorporate this drill? The benefits of it and what NOT to do?

  • Drew Lastra May 8, 2023, 6:46 pm

    Fran., This video was absolutely GOLD. I’ve been working this way for quite a while. I vary it though a bit differently from what you showed but the result is the same. Three minute rounds where I make myself throw three punches combos but I have to also include at least three “moves.” Side step, faints, punches while backing up, etc. Its amazing how many punches over 8-10 rounds you throw this way! And how exhausted I feel after!! LOL. Great video!!

    • Fran May 9, 2023, 7:14 pm

      Thanks Drew. That’s it, making it an exercise that goes way beyond the punches – makes the whole thing more effective and more enjoyable. We do similar activities to the ‘tap tap’ that you mention. Really good for building shoulder endurance👍