People will have different viewpoints regarding boxing basics. For me it is about a good basic boxing stance, controlled movement, defensive discipline, well executed punching and a couple of core principles to help achieve your goals.
Without a good boxing stance you will never achieve good boxing basics. There are many variations of a boxing stance, but it’s always good to start with a simple 7-step boxing stance. On top of this stance you can work to the next set of boxing basics.
Controlled movement. When you move about you need to maintain the good structure of the boxing stance. We can start with 4 directions of movement – forwards, backwards, left and right. To further enhance your boxing basics you can include the lead foot and rear foot pivot.
When it comes to the boxing basics of defence I am not going to be radical. Keep your hands up. Seems like a reasonable idea to me. Every now and again, duck. So, hands up and duck once in a while…now were are helping ourselves not get hit…got to be good boxing basics that.
When it comes to the boxing basics of punching, if you are just starting out, don’t trouble yourself with uppercuts and hooks. They are the most technically challenging punches…leave them until later. Get your straight shots to work well, they are the punches that you will use most, so make sure they are as good as they can be.
Finally, to really grasp these basics be very aware of the kind of faults that creep in when executing the skills. Flaring elbows, hands dropping, losing stance integrity. If you are aware of them you can fix them. Final principle to getting the boxing basics right, deliberate repetition. When you do stuff over and over again, in a controlled and correct way, you get better at it.

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You make a good point about bad habits in one area transferring to other skills Fran. Before you know it, the whole package can look like a mess if you’re not focusing on really high level technique. It’s the best practice to try to be a perfectionist as much as one possibly can. Appreciate the videos buddy, looking forward to another one of your club videos ‘a day in the life’. Hope everything is going well for you on that front!
Thanks Dan, hope you are well.
Yes…there’s a ‘snowball down the hill’ effect when things go wrong in small areas. I’ll be doing another of those vids soon, some stuff to report. Thanks Dan👍
I see the general idea you are expressing. Stick to basics and learn by doing.
Precisely Lior👍