That’s quite a title isn’t it? Feels like a very obvious thing to write, especially as I’m a boxing coach. I mean, if I’m not aiming to help people land more punches then I have to begin questioning the point of it all really.
Being able to throw a punch in a technically correct way is always going to pay off. However, creating the situation where your punch has the best chance of landing and in landing has the best chance of creating maximum impact is the Holy Grail of offensive work in boxing.
In this video you will hopefully recognise the value of convincing your opponent that a punch will be arriving at a particular time along a particular path. By doing this, you will be able to introduce the art of deception into your boxing, creating confusion and doubt in the mind of your opponent.
Oh, and by the way, if you want to know how to throw a decent screw-shot then you’ll get that too. OK, watch the video then if you have any comments or questions feel free to post below.
Related Articles:
Boxing Stance
Ducking in Boxing
Long Range Right Hook
Feinting in Boxing

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Hi Fran, and again such a great lesson for us all over the planet. I really admire your gift to explain complex sequences of movements in such a comprehensible way. I can’t wait to try this down at the club. Damn, not being allowed to go boxing is really the hardest part about Corona! Stay fresh, Sir!
Matthias. You are not alone, I am like a fish out of water not being in the gym. I appreciate your positive feedback, very glad to be in a position to help 👍
Your still my coach and I am doing great.
Thanks Harold 👍
Grazie maestro..
Quality coaching Fran. Great tips. Thank you so much.
Jon McKenna
Thanks very much Jon, really glad it helped mate.
Thank you very much Fran! I didn’t have these skills yet, seem very effective! Well explained as usual! I will use first in shadowboxing than try in sparring!
Good plan Francesco 🙂
Hey Fran, great video’s, i am an MMA striking coach and boxed for many years. To people who are watching these videos and wondering if this guy knows what he is talking about, i can promise you he does.. One of the few who actually teaches old school boxing. Fran, a difference i see between us is. for example, this punch, you tend to go up high on the toes of the rear foot when throwing the right corkscrew, or cross. I was wondering why you have that tendency? I always try and stay more to the ball, because for me i can generate more push off the floor to get power into shots like this.
No disrespect at all, i know we are all taught an then tend to develop out own styles and subtle differences, i also stress the importance of hip first on the straight right, hooks, and uppercuts. Great video’s Fran, i applaud you for teaching people the correct science of Boxing, and doing what you love.
Hello Andrew.
Thanks for the comment mate.
I think we are in agreement and it’s an excellent observation. At the point of impact I would expect the ball of the rear foot to be solidly grounded, providing that instant whack. Bit like pushing a car, I wouldn’t do it off my tip toes. I am effectively providing a little ‘follow-through’ on the rear foot, ending up on the toes without compromising the follow up shot in any combination, especially with respect to a lead hand follow up shot.
That make sense mate?
Thanks again for the great observation.
I’ve been doing a lot of research in to how the brain reacts to different cues and how the reaction speeds are determined based on how many there are! Feints are a massive part of this and they don’t get coached enough. Perhaps because it’s hard to understand (or deliver the info) of how they work and why they are vital?? What do you think, Fran? Is it a coach education thing? Feints are a bit more abstract!
Hey Adam
I tend to work massively with feints, as do other coaches that I know of. You are of course correct, feints are so important. You just have to instil them in the boxer with drills and tech sparring, they then become an entirely natural part of a boxer’s style. They are not really any more abstract than the diversionary tactics that an army uses in battle.
Nice observation Adam. I hope that your research goes well, sounds really interesting stuff.
It was fantastic fran
Thank you, glad it helped!!!
Very good explanation of a core boxing concept. Juan Manuel Marquez used the same set up against Manny Pacquiao on the knock down and the KO punches in their 4th fight. Marquez worked for the deception and laid down the groundwork. He created a pattern by landing good right hands to the body and then feinted to the body and lifted the shot to the chin while Manny was taking him lightly flexing his six-pack and waiting to throw spectacular counters. Those were no flukes or lucky strikes, the shots resulted from careful planning and preparation, timely and patient execution. Even though he was being outclassed and on the verge of being stopped, JMM did what he came for and what he trained to do. He used exactly the same principle you demonstrate and he used the right hand against a southpaw – always a good idea.
I enjoy supporting a traditional “pure” boxing coach. With so much information on the net a lot of “experts” try to be original and innovative and think they can “reinvent” boxing. Good effective boxing isn’t original or unconventional, “It’s simple, it just isn’t easy” like my old coach used to say.
What a wonderful final sentence, “It’s simple, it just isn’t easy.” We do the basics and we do them well. And you are (as usual) spot on regarding some of the ‘guidance’ put out there. The stuff that I present on the site is being taught by hardworking coaches in clubs all around the World. I am fortunate to have the mix of other skills that allows me to present it here. I know that smart boxing people like you, Dave and others would only come back to the site if there was something to stimulate their minds. That’s a great reward for me.
Thanks Ivan
Great stuff Fran! Thank you!
You’re welcome Coleman, thanks for the comment too.
Hi Fran
Fantastic presentation. Clearly explained and clearly demonstrated.
Thank you for passing on the knowledge, not only with this vid, but with your time and commitment to the sport.
Great work again Fran. How do you feel the technicalities will change with the new scoring system…
Thanks Justin. Interesting question, one about which I shall write a post. On the face of it we seem to be going back to an amateur style that is more akin to the pro style, volume of punches and aggression. So, expect the Americans to do well at the next Olympics 🙂 Not so sure about the Brits.
Brilliant lesson Fran.
It reminds me of a proverbial saying you had mentioned in one of your other lessons, that I decided to write on the wall of my home boxing gym.
You said — “This Is A Pressure Business; If You Aren’t Feinting, You Should Be Punching and If You Aren’t Punching, You Should Be Feinting.”
IMO, those are great words to live by in the boxing game.
Nice. Put like that Paul it makes me sound very profound, not something I can often be accused of! Thanks mate, glad you liked the vid.
How to land more punches: Well done Fran. BHOP would be proud of you.
🙂 Praise indeed! Thanks Ric.
Nice Fran, thanks a lot
You’re welcome Dan, thank you.
Nice, probly thee most underated, under-appreciated skill in boxing, the feint, guys like Bernard Hopkins can literally win fights with feints, he’ll stall you enough to make you think twice about your own shot and create that split second in order to land 1 of his own, and as Fran says, its all in the sell and convincing the opponent the shot is real and enroute, nice way of explaining it too, when describing it as a particular shot, coming down a particular path at a particular time!
Cheers Johnny, very useful bringing in a practical example of a great fighter who can be watched to enhance this. Great stuff.