About the Boxing Jab
Before looking at the video, ensure that you have understood the boxing stance. After looking at the video, be sure to read about the mechanics of the boxing jab and leave a comment.
The boxing jab is the boxer’s most important punch. The jab allows the boxer to control an opponent, be it on the attack or on the defensive. The jab provides a main method of commencing an attack and is consistently proven as a fight winner. Few things are more demoralising to an opponent as being continually popped in the face with a fast, accurate and well-timed jab.
Whilst we can talk about a fast and accurate jab, it’s surprising how many boxers allow bad habits to creep in when using the jab. As mentioned, if the jab is thrown correctly it’s a winner. On the other hand, if it isn’t deployed appropriately then it’s a key ‘chink in the armour’ that will more often than not lead to a flattened nose and an abject feeling of defeat!
The Mechanics of the Boxing Jab
The mechanics of the punch can be explained as follows:
- From the boxing stance, the first action is a push from the front foot which in turn rotates the upper-body slightly so that the hips and shoulders will align with the opponent.
- As the rotation is taking place, the lead arm is thrust out, ensuring that the lead arm elbow follows the same line as the fist i.e. there is no lateral movement of the elbow at all, whatsoever!
- As the lead arm is moving towards the target it accelerates. As the fist approaches the target (having covered about 75% of the distance to the target) it rotates inwards, so that the palm is facing down towards the floor. At the last moment, the fist clenches and ‘snaps’ on to the target.
- The fist returns along the same line as before, returning to the ‘home’ position as per the stance.
Common Faults with the Boxing Jab
There are a number of common problems that can occur when throwing a jab:
- There is an urge to try and hit too hard. The desire to throw the punch hard often results in the boxer’s weight transferring to the front leg. This has the effect of impairing the balance and making you very vulnerable to counter-attack. Remember, the jab will often be thrown as you move forward, so throwing the weight onto the front leg is very high risk!
- The punch is ‘telegraphed’, or tell-tale movement before the punch begins it’s journey. These movements are often the elbow lifting to the side or the fist dropping slightly, both of which are dead giveaways.
- The boxer allows the punch to become an upper-body movement. Ensure that the rotation of the upper-body is generated by the push from the front leg.
And that’s about it really. A good, reliable jab is worth it’s weight in gold. I suspect that if you asked any competing boxer which hand he or she would rather do without, it would be the non-jabbing hand even though this is the physically stronger arm. I think that the trick is not to take the jab for granted. Use a mirror to ensure that none of the common faults are creeping into the shot.
Once an opponent ‘makes’ your jab, then the chances of coming out on top at the end of the fight are minimal! As a basic next step, follow the jab up with a nice straight right cross as these shots combined form the ‘meat and drink’ of the competing boxer. The article on boxing footwork – moving in and out will also help.

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Hi, I’ve been practicing the Jab and Cross in shadow boxing, but I don’t understand what it means to push off your front foot. When I do it, my hips rotate but my foot is also rotating, but when I see you do it, your feet don’t move from their position. How do I push off my foot?
Hi Khaled
So it’s a trigger from the front foot. Very subtle, only enough to rotate the hips clockwise. Don’t focus too much on the push, just make sure those hips rotate 👍
Thanks for the reply, I think I’m pretty good at turning the hips and also my elbow doesn’t flare at all, but I compared the speed of my jab today with someone else’s, and my jab was a lot slower. Do you know what mistakes I might be doing that are making my jab slower, about 33 percent slower?
Thanks a lot,
This is worth looking at Khaled – https://www.myboxingcoach.com/how-to-punch-faster/
Also, remember that it’s all about clean technique and acceleration
Hello Fran, I recently asked a question under one of your other posts. sorry if I am annoying, but you are a great coach and I have some more questions I would like to see your perspective on.
Question 1:
When you mention tighten the fist on impact, does this mean to shoot out my open hand and tighten when it is super close to my opponent(to better explain this, I mean barely tightening your jab when your fist is only one inch away from your opponents face.) or should I tighten my fist before my punch starts to shoot out? (Example: I throw a jab, but before my hand leaves my guard I make a tight fist.) I feel like tightening right close to my opponent would be risky as they may move into it and cause damage to my hand. What’s your opinion?
Question 2:
When throwing multiple punches, would you recommend it to be a pattern of loosening my fist during the retraction of each punch after I make contact and wait to tighten again as I throw another one? (Think of catching multiple flies: you would reach out and squeeze one on impact, re open your hand and squeeze the second On impact, then the same for the rest of the combination.) or is it best to just keep tight the entire time during long combinations? Hopefully this question makes sense, I tried my best explaining it.
Question 3:
Do you know any drills that can help me become better at closing my fist on/before impact?
Question 4: when working the inside would this principle of clinch on impact also apply, or would you then tense up?
Thank you, and have a great 2021. 🙂
I regards to your first question, I have found that squeezing your fist tight is not necessary. When I am punching an opponent or heavy bag, I keep my fist loose and relaxed. When I make contact, I don’t have to make a conscious effort to squeeze. As the fist makes impact through the target, it feels that the fist will naturally tighten as it makes contact. My observations could be wrong, but this is my humble opinion based off of experience.
Hi Dustin
David makes a good point. I would expand by saying that your hand is in a sparring glove/competition glove and in wraps. So, your hand is naturally in a ‘fist’ shape/position. The difference between clenched and relaxed is really quite minimal, the impact will be broadly the same. Where this would be different is if you are throwing punches at a human head and you aren’t wearing hand protection and the fist would need to be clenched. But, that’s street fighting, and we aren’t street fighters…we are boxing practitioners :-). I guess the key is not to overthink it, it’s all good. Hope this helps pal.
While we are on the subject, Fran do you believe in the theory that keeping your hands open allow you to punch faster? My coach teaches me to punch with a open hand and says this is faster since they are loose, but I do feel like I am being robbed of power. I feel faster, but I don’t even feel like I’m throwing a proper punch. He thinks that keeping a closed fist will slow you down. What’s your opinion on this?
Hi David
I think your coach is right. I would say thought that with gloves on it’s worth ‘spotting’ that landing point and tigtening the fist slightly. As for power, you won’t be robbed of that unless your desire to land with speed is over-riding the basic technique of driving the power from the feet and through the hips.
Thanks for the response Fran. Just to be clear, after making contact with my opponent I should loosen my fist before retracting right? Retracting with a clenched fist feels slow.
Yep, loose
Step in and Jab at the Same time or would you say
Step in and then throw the Jab with your Rhythm?
When you already stand on your feet?
Best regards
Step in with the jab is a great way of enhancing power and reach. It’s good to be versatile and change the shot and how it’s delivered, and you can really do that with the jab.
Boks öğrenmeye yeni başladım ve sizin bilgilerinizi kendime rehber ediyorum.
Thank you coach.
Ooo selam Orbay kardeş, Fran hoca en iyisidir. 1.5 yılda çok şey öğrendim kendisinden, umarım sana da faydalı olur 🙂
Teşekkür ederim Musa Bey
What a great teacher!!!
Thank You!
Hey Fran i was wondering what your opinion on vasyl lomanchenko and bruce lee, leading with the power punch as a jab? so like right hand dominant right foot dominant forward.
interested to see what you think about it seeing as lomanchenko has had success with it
Hello Cav
It’s an interesting one. My rule of thumb is that the dominant foot is at the back. But, it appears common now that in Eastern European boxing many systems encourage the opposite. They definitely train to encourage boxers to be two-handed. In the Rio Olympics I think that 9 of the gold medalists were southpaw – given that only 1 in 9 are lefties by nature there’s certainly something there.
If a boxer is comfortable then boxing southpaw even as a righty is a definite positive – but only if they are absolutely comfortable and able to make it work.
Hi Fran, love the website- best online boxing instruction around for sure.
I want to ask how jabbing and moving works with the push off the front foot to rotate the body, I’m finding it really hard to figure out how that works when you’re in transit. How is it possible to push off a foot that has no weight on it?
Hey Bradley
Thanks for your comment and question.
So when moving forward it’s a small push off the front foot to initiate the rotation followed immediately by a bigger push off the back foot to enable the drive forward. When moving backwards you can trigger and push off the front foot at the same time.
Hope this makes sense.
Hey Fran,
Thank you for clearing this up, I really appreciate it.
Must again commend you on the site, fantastic achievement, you should be proud.
Thanks Bradley 🙂
Just to chime in, how does the pushing off the front foot work for lateral movement?
Same principle. Front foot push to the right for orthodox so you combine this with the jab. Back foot push to the left with a trigger for the jab off the front foot. Make sense?
Yes mate! Thank you so much 😊
Hi Fran, I’m not sure I understand, are you saying to push off the front foot before you take a step? So you’d turn the hips first, then step as you fire the shot? Also I don’t understand what you mean with a back foot push to the left with a trigger?
Would be very grateful for any clarification if you have time mate
Hey Craig. If you are throwing from a static position then the front foot triggers noticably. If you combine the jab with a move forward or to the left then you will notice the back foot more. Don’t get too wrapped up in it, try to relax and ensure the precision of each skill avoiding the common faults. Combining the skills is a key part of that learning process. Hope this helps.
Could you clarify Fran? I don’t understand
Hi Fran,
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
I have just started learning boxing. I have a problem with basic Jab. My trainer says while throwing Jab, my elbow is moving sideways due to that it is getting anticipated. Also my upper body is not moving while throwing Jab due to that counter punch directly hitting my face.
Though i am unable to observe this bt my trainer does (as he stands in front of me). Could you please help me how to observe this and fix ths?
Thanks in advance.
Step 1 – use a full length mirror to look at your jab from head on.
Step 2 – to fix it, get in your stance alongside a wall with the heel of your lead foot touching the wall – you will be looking along the wall. Throw your jab, make sure that your elbow does not hit the wall. It will feel strange, but ensure you continue with it and it will improve.
Hi, Fran. Thank you for putting together this video.
When performing the jab, I noticed that I’ll sometimes pivot my lead foot (much as one does for a lead hook) as an accidental side-effect of rotating my hip forward to accelerate the jab. Is this something I want to avoid?
Don’t worry too much about that Isaiah – make sure the length and acceleration is right and there are no tell tale signs of the jab coming.
hi Frans,
is it a must to fully extend one arm for the straight shots like jab.
To maximise the length of the shot Jeffrey yes you must (also the power gets a lift too!)
Sorry, if you don’t mind, just another question. My jab feels quite weak. Where does the power normally come from? I know it must be my technique but I can’t figure it out. Is there normally a common mistake and solution for this? Thanks.
Depends what you are comparing your jab to when you talk ‘power’. Obviously it will not carry the power of a back hand/cross, but given the right timing, thrust off the foot to drive the hip rotation and momentum of your opponent I would wager that your ‘weak’ jab would be effective and quite stinging when landed.
Hi Fran I think your website is great. I’ve been trying to practise the jab but have a couple of problems still. I am confused to how far you should rotate your hips on the jab. My head seems to naturally turn to the right and feels awkward when I try and keep my head facing down the length of my arm. Is this because I might be over rotating? Also do you always twist your hips in the jab? For example when your stepping forwards or backwards? It’s just confusing me because some videos of a jab don’t show the rotation and some of them do. Thanks!
Hey Dion
Thanks for the kind words and for your question.
Relax your neck and yes, aim to keep your head looking down the length of your arm as you throw the jab. Yes you should always aim for that slight hip rotation but this rotation will be more pronounced when throwing the jab from a static position or on the retreat than on the move forward. Hope this makes sense.
Hello Fran,
Another Jack Dempsey question – on the ‘power line’. Why do we now turn the hand to hit with the first two knuckles instead of hitting with the bottom three knuckles of the vertical fist?
Thanks very much
Not sure on that John. maybe the rotation of the fist (to the palm down position) has been found to increase the ‘snap’ of the shot thereby increasing power? Maybe having the fist vertical increases the risk of injuring the hand? Not sure, good question!
Getting the full rotation on a jab helps raise the shoulder to cover the boxers chin. This is especially important at the point where a boxers fist is at the maximum distance from his or her face. Additionally, a fully rotated jab turns out the elbow making in harder for the opponent to throw a right cross over the boxers jab.
A good jab plays defense while the boxer is on the offense.
There’s already a lot of videos on how to throw the perfect jab BUT NOT ONE on WHEN TO THROW THE JAB. Could you give instructions on: THAT IF YOUR OPPONENT IS DOING THIS, THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME FOR YOU TO THROW THE JAB. If we know what the signals are, we won’t be hesistant in throwing the jab, it would be automatic.
Hey Jabba
Just throw the jab. Be positive. The very fact that you are examining the opponent ‘waiting’ to work out when to throw your jab is likely to cause more hesitation. Be positive. Be confident. Throw it fast and throw it hard, unless of course you are trying trigger the opponent in which case you can vary the speed and angle. Hope this helps.
Hi Brandon, thanks for your post. There’s no reply button further up the page so had to make the post ‘down here’ so ot speak!
So If I get you correctly, you’re saying that after a jab with hip rotation you are left in a totally side-on stance. And that this is not the optimum position to throw the right cross from? Rather it is better to be in the normal boxing stance which isn’t quite so side-on? If this is so, then I wouldn’t argue necessarily argue with you, I’d bow to your much superior biomechanical knowledge. As a layman, I would have thought that the totally side-on stance would be better as you have even more scope for rotation when throwing the right cross. But like I said I’m just a layman. I do hope I’ve got you point correctly.
Also do you not think perhaps that the increased reach associated with the jab with hip rotation is a major advantage and could compensate for any decreased power in the follow-up punch? I mean to be able to land the first punch in any exchange is a major plus?
I see a lot of guests on this board asking how to get more power into the jab, how to make it a striking punch….And you guys seem to be missing the point. The jab is a setup punch, not a power punch. Good balance, timing, speed, and minimal movement is what makes it the most important punch in boxing. Your crosses, straights, uppercuts, hooks, and overhands are for power. The jab is for speed and timing. Even Larry Holmes did not turn his hips or attempt to turn the jab into a striking power punch, and he was the best heavyweight jabber in history–in my humble opinion. Speed, accuracy, and snap of the jab are created through stepping and the rotation of the fist on the jab. You can generate a bit more power by pushing off you back foot and/or stepping a bit faster into your target. But as the author said, you should never throw you weight into the punch. I do, however, disagree about turning the hips. That is a definite no-no for me.
Very insightful and no offence taken, everyone’s opinion is welcome and valid. Regarding both of your comments, you are missing one small but very important point. This is an individual skill, isolated and demonstrated at drill speed – not at full execution/competition speed and not combined with other skills e.g. movement in and out.
To me the rotation of the hips is minimal but vital because you gain an extra few centimetres of length on the punch, a massive benefit when operating at the top level against the best opposition. Your comment is implies that you are a practitioner (I’m sure a competent one) rather than someone who coaches, the use of drill speed demonstrations like are a great tool. When repetitively practised it makes real and genuine improvements in fight technique.
Turning the hips absolutely does not inhibit movement, nor does it prevent ‘doubling up’ – that is the process of combining skills and I purposely don’t do in this video e.g. single jab with movement, multiple jabs with movement, jabs with side steps, jabs with pivots etc. etc. To put in the right amount of detailed description would make the single vid just too long.
All this being said my sense is that you will have your opinion and I will have mine, and that’s absolutely fine.
No offense…But this technique complicates an extremely simple technique. As I was taught, the jab is the only punch in boxing that does not rely on rotational power created from the legs, hips, and (to a lesser degree) the shoulders. This jab variation, and that’s what it is, is not only slower than a standard jab that does not involve hip movement, it is constricting; since it does not give you the ability to step (without planted feet) or double up the punch. No offense, but this is simply bad technique. Yes, the hip movement you are using work for a leads punch…and that punch is the left hook, not the jab.
Interesting points you make there. Although I really can’t see how turning the hip will slow down the jab, it’d probably speed it up if anything. And it definitely increases your reach which is a major bonus.
Hi Johnny,
In my humble opinion, it slows down the jab considerably. But that’s not even the main reason why you should never turn your hip when throwing the jab. The main reason is that the jab is a set up punch and, as such, you do not want it interfering with your power shots. Now, if you throw a jab and turn your hip and then throw a right hand, your right hand will be weaker and slower because it will have to counteract the rotational power of your hips, which will be moving in the opposite direction as the right hand. Think about it. If you throw a left jab and turn your left hip and then throw a right hand right after it and turn the right side of your hip, well, those are opposite directions!
Hi Brandon, many thanks for replying to my post. I can indeed see where you’re coming from. Although surely the right hand would not be begun to be thrown until the jab had already ended its extension and with the hip rotation finshed?
And with the body then totally side on this would give even more rotation to the right hand and so more power.
Hi Johnny,
Nice talking to you. Yes, the right hand is thrown when the jab has reached full extension and the hip has stopped moving to to the right, or clockwise (for an orthodox fighter). No, this would not give the punch more rotation or power, in my opinion. You have to remember that rotational power is created through both sides of the body. When I throw a straight right hand, for example, I don’t only use the right side of my body…That’s a mistake many new boxers make. No, I turn my left hip (pulling with my hamstring) and my right hip (pushing with my quadriceps) to create maximum rotational energy in my hips, moving toward the target. (If you don’t do it already, try it! I guarantee you, you’ll increase your power substantially!) I also push my right shoulder into the punch and pull my left shoulder the same way. The point is that all of this rotational power is moving in the same direction toward the target. But with my hips off kilter and all on one side, I cannot possible throw a power shot that uses equal rotational energy and engages both sides of my body. I hope that makes sense.
Thanks Fran. So just to be clear, you should endeavour to turn the hip when throwing the jab regardless of whether you’re moving forwards, backwards or even sideways?
Yep, that’s it. Maximises both range and power.
Many thanks Fran. One last thing please, I notice you also emphasise moving one’s weight onto one’s back foot as you throw the jab. And do this by flexing the back leg which is a pretty neat way to check that you are actually doing it properly.
So back to jabbing and moving forward again! To move forward you must push off the back foot and one’s weight naturally moves to one’s front foot. So is it really possible to move forward while throwing a jab and still keep the weight on the back foot?
Hey Alfonso
There are a number of ways to move forward and jab. Don’t over analyse it, just make sure your weight doesn’t go ‘over’ your front leg. Short distance covered with the foot movement.
Yes thanks Fran, maybe I’m being too much of a perfectionist.
Actually practising it I think I can move forward, jab, rotate the hip and flex the back leg to get the weight onto the back foot. But it does feel rather awkward, probably just need a bit more practice! Thanks once again.
Many thanks Fran for the excellent deconstruction and analysis and then reconstruction of allegedly the simplest punch in boxing! I especially like the turning of the lead hip when throwing the jab to maximise power and reach.
One question springs to mind though. You’re very often going to be moving forward when you’re throwing the jab, so do you still turn the lead hip in this situation? I’m guessing it may be difficult to turn the hip and move forward at the same time? Or do you just need to practice it alot? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the comment and question. When ‘full speed’ jabbing and moving forward you shouldn’t get fixated on the trigger of the front foot to rotate the hip. Practice it at drill speed and it will improve the full speed version.
Hope this helps
i’ve been told to always step with the lead foot when you jab, even if it is just a small step. what is your opinion on this advice?
there are a few ways to combine the feet with the jab. A push forward is always a good thing to do!
Great video and great teaching. Helps much. I know I am being greedy, but any chance the sale ends on Sunday?
Thanks Steven. I’ve sent you an email.
very valuable vedeos
i have really got benefeted from you
thank u a lot
Thank you Darwish, I am happy that the videos help.
Itz amazing
Dear Fran,
Recently, I’ve been reading Jack Dempsey’s book on “Aggressive Defense” and he mentioned a great deal about throwing straight jolt with your palm facing inward (and how it can knock out an opponent). This is quite different from the kind of jab we learn today, because I’m been told to turn my wrist/palm downward as I shoot out my left arm, in fact, I’ve been practicing this jab for a couple of months already. However, my question is, with the contemporary jab that we’re learning, is it possible to develop the same type of striking power like that of Dempsey’s straight jolt (long range) simply from a jab ?
P.S. My boxing coach once told me that jab shouldn’t be underestimated as a tapping throw, but it can actually bring down your opponent.
What’s your say on this matter ? I’d really like to hear it from you and thank you for hosting this great free website for all levels of learners to post/write you their concerns !
Hey Roland
Very nice question! Believe, as a boxer I saw stars plenty of times from a jab to my face. It’s a strong punch (and the most important punch to master), but is not a knockout punch as such. Then again, straight shots generally aren’t knockout punches. It mostly hooks that result in KOs. The way to maximize the power though is to use an inside slip before the jab, that gives extra leverage.
By the way, I love watching old Jack Dempsey fights. His intensity was absolutely incredible. Very, very tough man.
Thanks Roland
Thank you Fran,
That really answered my question. So I guess it’d be fair to say that, a jab when developed to its full potential would have a stunning effect, but not to the point of a knock out then ?
On a side note, when you give a reply to our inquiries will be be notified by the email you registered here or should we come to check it ourselves ? thanks again Fran !
Thanks Roland, glad it helped. I’m sure that as long as you place yur email address in the box (no other users can see it), then you get a notification.
What are your thoughts on pushing off the rear foot to pick up distance and add your weight / more power to your jab?
Hi Luc
Thanks for the question. I like to think of it as combining 2 skills, the jab and the move forward. You can also widen the stance momentarily to get the same effect. Really as long as your body weight doesn’t go ‘over’ your front leg then all is good.
Thanks Luc, hope the response helps.
Great Videos, i have recently started boxing after being an admirer of the sport for a long time. Its great to have someone give you a step by step break down of the techniques used.
I have found that outlining the common faults is very beneficial for perfecting your technique.
keep up the great work mate.
Thanks Cohan. Wlecome to the site and I hope that you continue to find the material helpful.
I videod my sparring session last week and noticed that my jab was a bit limp. To try and rectify this I have tried to pull from my right shoulder (in addition to the push/rotate from the left foot) and find that the jab is naturally snappy. Does anyone else consciously pull the right shoulder?
I do use this technique to get a point across Keith, usually if the boxer simply isn’t getting that rotation. It allows them to focus on something different to overcome the barrier. Perfectly helpful and sensible way to make in improvement.
I believe that your videos are excellent in helping to identify faults in a boxer’s technique. The push/rotate from the left foot automatically pulls your right shoulder back and makes a world of difference to the ‘snapness’ of the jab. I had neglected the left foot rotation but worked on it last week on the bag and noticed a big difference in sparring last week.
Key lesson – faults/weaknesses most often arise due to neglect of the basics.
Thanks Keith. Great to get instant results like that, well done. Being consistent in applying the basics is a real key to success.
just recently while practicing my jab in front of the mirror I realized that it does become naturally snappy when the right shoulder is almost aligned on the same plane as your jab (as your leading arm extends out) !
Fran. Thank you verry much this site has helped me so much mostly in the ring where it counts. your the man!
You’re very welcome Craig.
Great site, im learning alot thank you verry much im learning alot and fixing bad habbits. i have two questions, the jab and cross, are they mainly long range shots for the most part? also the long range hook and upper cut when using those is that mainly to open a fighter up to step in middle or short range combos as well as stop a fighter from rushing and chaseing you down?
Craig. Thank you for the question. Yes, the jab and the cross are long range shots. The long range work (including the uppercuts/hooks) is for whatever you want it to be for. Either of the scenarios that you describe fit the bill perfectly. Boxing is about dominating your space (and anyone in it). Long range shots are a great way of asserting dominance. Thanks mate.
Could you do an article about using the double end bag, then, Fran?
I’d really appreciate it.
We’ll see how it goes Dave. Could be while though, lots of other plans for early in the New Year.
Hooray, more questions!
For someone just starting out and trying to build up the skill base, what do you think is more effective a target to be punching- the speedbag, or the bog standard heavy bag?
I can see the speedbag- just shooting out jabs every three rebounds- as a good way to get a lot of clean practice shots in.
Heavy bag should be on every day use. The speed ball might help, but a far better option would be the floor to ceiling ball, also referred to as a double end bag. Works so many aspects of the boxer’s skills, just a great piece of kit.
Hooray indeed… 🙂
Fran, another quick question:
In the jab, do you think you can over-rotate the hips? When I throw the jab as per the instructions given, my forward shoulder moves towards the target while my back should, predictably, retreats, taking my guarding hand with it. Is this over-rotation and something to worry about, or something I can just ignore?
Don’t worry Dave. As long as that guarding hand stays in contact with the side of your face it’s doing it’s job. When the shot lands, you should have a perfect line going from your leading fist to to your furthest shoulder. Not sure you can actually over-rotate as such, so I wouldn’t be too concerned. Thanks for the question Dave.
Great video. I have always jabbed with a push off the back foot. I think this throws me off balance, putting too much weight forward. I like the twist off the lead foot. It seems this keeps your weight back, and gives you good length by snapping the back shoulder and hip back. Is is almost the same concept with the lead hook (with the foot and twist of the hips)?? Thanks!
Thanks Brett. You spotted some key benefits of throwing a controlled jab. You are indeed maximizing the length of the shot (as the jab lands the shoulders are aligned perfectly with the arm) without over-committing. Finally, you are correct on the hook thing, it’s a very similar movement but all of the hooks (short, medium and long range), but with the arm shape determining the impact. Great comment Brett, glad the video helped.
Hello Fran. Just spent another 30 mins. on your site and am hoping to read/watch all in next few weeks. It’s great stuff man!
OK…when you teach stance to a pupil do YOU…..(personally) have them stand on your “taped cross on the floor” and have them learn from there? As in your video? I am wondering if I should put this in my gym. If you recommend, then what are the measurements of the tape? Any advice appreciated. I have never seen this instruction for stance before. Hope I am being clear.
Hi Gaz
Glad you like the stuff. On the line thing, yes, I always work with that line. I’m fortunate in that our gym has small tiles on the floor in a grid pattern. this means that I can make a line anywhere without having tape. If you don’t have something similar, go with the tape. I tend to make it quite long, long enough for the boxer to do 3 or 4 moves forwards and backward. Depending on the height of the boxer, maybe a length of 5 or 6 foot. The tape that I use is decorating/masking tape. It’s cheap and come sup easily.
Thanks Gaz, hope this helps
Another question, Fran- I’m sure you’re getting annoyed already. *grin*
In your movement videos, you mention that a slow and mechanical approach is best when you’re starting out for moving backwards and forwards and so on. Do you think that advice applies for punches? Practising them slowly so that you can feel each aspect of the movement and then speeding up?
I can see why this would work, but also why it wouldn’t- you wouldn’t have the explosiveness which is an essential part of the punch if you started out slow.
Hey Dave, it’s never a chore 🙂
Good question. You’re right, acceleration when punching is absolutely vital. We can work on punching at a slow speed, but really only to check the flow for yourself. In general, we want to work more at a competition speed. This said, when working on drills and we combine a number of skills, then it’s helpful to slow the punch down so that you can identify the common elements of each skill and how they should work. Sometimes boxers can have too high a punch rate during drills practice, so it’s always worth leaving a couple of seconds between each punch just to maintain quality.
are you from the liverpool area?
Hi Anette
Yes I am from the Liverpool area. It’s that accent that gives it away isn’t it!
Also, Fran, I’d just like to ask- when I throw the jab ala your instructions (I have to be very mindful not to let my weight move forward!), I end up with a sort of “snapping” feeling in my elbow as if it’s hyper-extending. Now, from other people, I’ve heard that this is because I’m using too much arm motion, but it could also be an insufficient application of the explosive clenching of the hand.
Any advice?
As long as you’re feeling no pain Dave, you should be OK. If you begin to feel pain, then ease off both the acceleration and the snap. This won’t do any lasting technical harm, it’ll just make the pain go away. By the way, I’m guessing this only happens during shadow? You should not encounter such issues on the bag or during sparring (unless of course you miss the target!) Thanks Dave
Heya, Fran.
I’d just like to ask a simple question- when I’m “pushing” with the front leg, it doesn’t really feel like a… push. My hips turn really quickly, but the push doesn’t feel like one, probably because I’m keeping my weight centred. Is that normal?
Sounds just about perfect Dave, like the rotation is working really effectively.
Hi Fran,
Yeah I get it small steps keeping that weight balanced….steps to practice without punching I guess..
Fran you have no idea how much you’ve helped me. I was taught that the weight goes to front foot and it just didn’t felt right.
I noticed that when jabbing my back leg actually turns my body counter-clockwise just before the shot lands which makes my lead hand as a whip.
It also prevents elbow hyper extension.
Thanks Fran my shots hear and feel right now!
I’m really glad that you find the site of use and I hope that you continue to find it helpful as we move forward!
Hi Fran,
Can you please explain how do you move forward and jab?
The weight goes to front foot wen you move forward but than it goes back to back foot when you jab?
Hey Reeno
It’s a good question. Try to avoid putting your weight onto the front leg at any point during the jab on the attack. the problem with transferring the weight onto the front leg is that you can give extra power to any shots coming back at you. Try to keep the body weight central and then on the back leg as the jab lands. Remember also that you want your move forward to be very short, 2-3 inches maybe. This takes you from the ‘edge of range’ to long range and makes the attack much more efficient and more likely to succeed.
Thanks for the question Reeno. If my answer doesn’t quite clear things up, let me know and I’ll see if I can help further.
Great site!! I’m learning so much from you.
Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge.
what about Jab variations? Speed jabs, power jabs, up jabs. A video explaining these variations would be Fantastic Coach Fran. Again, thanks 😀
Hey Burim
Nice to hear from you again. I’ll put some thoughts down on a post over this issue of multiple jabs. I tend to be quite traditional in this area as I feel that these differing jabs can be explained through conventional means. A for instance on this, the up jab is in fact what I would describe as a long range left uppercut.
Keep watching!
Great video! It has helped me end the habit of allowing my weight to come forward on to my front leg during the jab; something my coach has been trying to get me to stop. Keep up the good work!