The Top 10 Boxing Training Videos
There are so many boxing training videos available to watch on the MyBoxingCoach website that for the newcomer it might be a little perplexing to decide which videos to put at the top of the viewing list.
In order to provide a steer as to the first ‘go to’ videos on the site, I decided to ask myself a simple question:
“In the ideal world, what are the 10 most important skills that I would teach someone new to boxing and in what order would I teach them?”
The answer to that question is delivered to you in this article. I’ll link to 10 boxing training videos on this site that I think are ‘must views’ in order for you get the most possible out of the ocean of content, both video and written, available with MyBoxingCoach.
“Do the basics and do them right” is a mantra that I live by when developing fight skills. This article and these videos are the essence of that principle.
Vital Training Video #1 – The Stance and On Guard
The proper boxing stance is designed allow fluid and powerful punching along with robust defense and superb mobility. Now mark my words, learning the correct stance for many takes a little time to master. Just as you can’t build a house without foundations, you can’t build a boxing style without a great stance. So, watch this video a few times and get a good grasp of how it’s done. It will pay off.
Vital Training Video #2 – The Jab
A perfect boxing jab for me is one of the finest sights in boxing. Here is the video on how to throw the jab. When I see a fast, clean and accurate jab spear through the defenses of a fighter I’m always so impressed. Great fighters have a great jab. It’s the simplest punch to learn, the most efficient punch, the most regularly thrown punch and ultimately the punch that can break the will of an opponent.
The jab can be thrown fast or slow, flicked or rammed home, on the move or on the spot. It’s the ultimate in punching versatility. The jab the first punch that I teach to a boxer and it always will be.
Vital Training Video #3 – Getting in and Out with Footwork
By far the most commonly used aspect of boxing footwork is moving forwards and backwards. It would be wonderful as a boxer if your opponent dutifully wandered into range of your punches ready to eat that wonderful jab of yours. Problem is having a fight is a little more unpredictable than that. Opponents have a nasty habit of doing all kinds of unexpected actions.
The ability to be highly mobile is incredibly important in boxing, especially amateur boxing where foot movement is a massive part of success. Some opponents will charge at you like a runaway train, others will back away equally fast. So it pays to be able to close them down or back away in a controlled and effective manner, never compromising your ability to land your own shots.
Vital Training Video #4 – Multi-Purpose Ducking
Having covered some footwork and punching, the next step is building in some body movement, and where better to start that the simple act of ducking. Check out this video on ducking punches. I say ‘ducking punches’, but this is only one of 3 opportunities that you create when you duck.
When you duck you also provide yourself with a nice opportunity to unleash long-range body punches. And as an added bonus, by ducking you create a diversion. It acts as a feint, making your opponent think that something might happen. And feinting is one of the true arts of successful boxing, bringing us neatly onto our next vital boxing training video.
Vital Training Video #5 – The Art of the Fighter
Here’s the link to the video on feinting. I think that understanding how to feint, and more importantly understanding why feinting is so helpful to you, is one of the true ‘Eureka’ moments for a developing boxer. It is the basis of all styles of fighting, from slick counter-punching to intense pressure fighting. It’s what separates the best from the rest.
Vital Training Video #6 – Block That Punch!
In the interests of self-preservation I have always recognized the importance of being able to block punches. This video on blocking punches covers the type of block that you will use more than any other. It’s the simple block against the opponent’s jab. It’s simple, safe and opens up the opportunity to smash your own jab back the other way.
Vital Training Video #7 – Pivots and Angles
I’d say that the single most versatile element of footwork is the pivot. This video on pivoting in boxing shows you exactly how to execute this wonderful skill. The reason that I think it’s the most versatile aspect of boxing footwork is that it can be used equally effectively at long range or when infighting at close range.
You are able, with simple shifting of the feet during the pivot, to open up a dizzying array of angles both for attacking and defending. You can do all of this without worrying about the complexities of diagonal movement. Watch any fight and see how often boxers use the pivot as part of their style, it just becomes so natural.
So now we have added some real depth to the range of skills at your disposal. What’s next? It’s now time to add some power punching to the equation.
Vital Training Video #8 – The Big Guns
If the jab is the easiest punch to throw, then the right cross (or straight back hand) is one of the more challenging to execute correctly. This video on the right cross demonstrates the amount of effort needed to generate the necessary rotation (and therefore power) to enable absolutely straight delivery of the shot. Check out this article on the 5 building blocks of punching power to find out more on getting the most out of your punching.
Vital Training Video #9 – Using the Shield
Using the previously simple block against the jab is good enough, but what about when the opponent uses a high power right cross? There are lots of defenses to consider, but one of the most effective is described in this video on the double arm block.
The double arm block is simple, safe and very difficult to penetrate. It also creates doubt in a boxing judge’s mind as to whether a punch actually landed, and that’s good during the scoring of the fight. In fact, the double arm block is almost like a shield, giving you somewhere to lock up for a few seconds to regroup ready for the next assault!
Vital Training Video #10 – Side Steps to Victory
Moving from side to side in boxing, although used less than the action of moving in and out, is still a particularly helpful skill. This video on side-stepping demonstrates the importance of the ‘push’ action rather than a ‘step and drag’ approach. Speed is key, especially when used in an attacking way. You will never get speed with step and drag. It’s also great when you are cutting off the ring, looking to pressure the opponent and not give them a break.
The Next Videos On Your Training List
You might be saying “What about hooks!” or “What about uppercuts!” or even “Where the hell are his parries?” I understand that. There are lots of skills that over the years I have learned to appreciate the relative complexities of. The fact for me is that the 10 boxing training videos recommended in this article are what I find to be the most effective skills to get a good start onto learning this toughest of sports. The site is truly awash with boxing training videos, so go and make the most of them.
One last thing. I have not described how these skills are developed and reinforced. This is something that I can cover in individual articles. For example 7 Tips for Shadow Boxing Success. Also as a stop-off on your learning are a series of videos on using the boxing punch pads, well worth a viewing to give some context to these boxing videos.
All comments, questions or challenges are very gratefully received below.

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Hey Coach, tried to sign up and get your free book, but the link does not seem to work for me, any suggestions?
Hi Kevin
Just checked, looks like you’ve been able to register. Check your spam folder if the email hasn’t come through.
awesome free resources, I can’t think of any other website that gives full explanation and details about boxing. keep up the good work fran !
You are most welcome Rolad, thanks so much for the comment.
You’re very welcome Ollie. I’m sure you’re going to enjoy boxing as your fitness regime. It works like a charm!
Thanks for the comment
So much informative knowledge… little time.
I must say Fran, that since joining a local boxing gym, I’ve been spending more time there than I had expected, but am having a ton of fun. Great guys, who have become new friends are there for me to learn and train with, as well as a few young men and women eager to learn – even from me!
Thank you kindly, for all you’ve done to help educate me and others in the sweet science.
Cheers 🙂
With people like you coaching is made easier. Enthusiasm and a hunger for learning in the boxers is key, bit in the gym environment and the virtual world. I can certainly imagine that the work you have put in during the last 18 months or so has really paid dividends. I’m really happy that the boxing gym is working well for you.
Hi Fran
I was recently watching a few Mayweather fights (against Cotto, Ortiz and Marquez) and I noticed that on a number of occasions, when he throws a counter right hand, he throws an ‘arm punch’.
What I mean is he tends to just square his chest off and not follow through with his shoulder, limiting the punch’s power.
I realise that he probably does it so he can get his right hand back to a defensive position immediately, but considering he is probably the greatest technical boxer of the modern era, how can he make what many coaches tell even amateur fighters is such a fundamental error?
Hey Matt
It’s great that you are actively searching for technique ‘faults’. In terms of top pro fighters, and Mayweather certainly is that, they have honed and developed their skills over many years and during thousands of rounds of competition and sparring. They know the ‘right time’ to vary the way they do things. Another way of putting this is that they know when they can use bend the rules in terms of technique. Mayweather is not looking to hurt his opponent with that shot, it’s about maintaining pressure. So, he is conscious that he is throwing the shot that way. When he want the shot to hurt more then he will increase the drive and rotation. You’ll also see Mayweather and other pros doing plenty of stuff that novice boxers are taught never to do, for example bending at the waist to avoid shots. But, they do it at the right time.
Hope this helps Matt and thanks for the question.
Hi Fran,
When throwing the medium range left hook to the head, I am more comfortable landing the punch with my palm facing me and thumb up. Can the punch be thrown that way? I am, however, comfortable throwing the medium range right hook to the head with the palm and thumb down. Thanks for your help.
Hey William
That’s fine, but if you were in a contest then if the hook lands with the forearm parallel to the ground and the palm is facing you, the referee would be likely to issue a warning for incorrect punching (slapping). The palm needs to be facing the floor in this instance. I do appreciate though that on a punch bag throwing the left hook palm down can be a bit dodgy as injury can occur.
Hope this helps William.
Thanks once again for taking the time to answer one of my questions. Much appreciated.
You’re welcome Bill.
Hey Tony
Top man, you’re an inspiration mate. Never too old to get into this game mate, not for the fitness benefits anyway. My money is on you to really take your fitness and strength to the next level.
I’ll come up with something in terms of reps (I’ll write a little post). In the meantime try to keep it natural. Create an ‘opponent’ out of the bag and vary the combinations and approach. Check out the boxing combinations category for some ideas on punches. Also, in case you missed the post, here a link with some tips for using the punch bag.
Hope this helps mate. Enjoy unleashing hell on that bag!
Fran, many thanks for the support and advice, I’m looking forward to seeing that post. I find all the videos helpful and the ‘Old Man hits the heavy bag’ seems to ‘tie them all together’.
I particularly ike the flurry of powerful short left hooks to the body at 2:55! Respect! I try to take some of the combinations and bits of footwork from that video and try them out on the bag. BUT.. I think I know what you mean about ‘keeping it natural’ .. don’t try to carbon-copy your moves .. Right? Thanks again, Tony
You’re welcome Tony. Thanks.
Thanks for answering my question regarding body punching.
If you have a moment, may I ask you a couple of other questions concerning “targeting” punches?
1. Is there a particular part of the chin or jaw that is best to hit for causing a knockout?
2. Are the temples an effective area to hit for a knockout?
Thanks again for your time.
You’re welcome Bill.
Onto your questions:
1. Anywhere on the chin or jaw should do it.
2. You don’t see many KO’s with shots high up. That said, you hit them anywhere you can (legally), but the chin and jaw are the best in terms of head shots.
Hope this helps.
Would you be kind enough to clarify something for me?
Should body hooks (left and right) land on a particular spot under the ribcage, or can they land anywhere under the ribcage (in front of guarding arm, under guarding arm, behind guarding arm)?
Specifically, where on the head should a hook, straight, and uppercut land?
Thanks very much for your time. Your videos are the best. Looking forward to your reply.
Thanks for the very good question.
Just below the ribs is ideal. Any lower and all of the sit-ups that an opponent might do can help. The aim should be to enable as much of the force of the shot to travel through the vital organs. Have you checked out the videos on body punching in boxing Bill? Should help with the answer.
My university doesn’t have a boxing program unfortunately. I plan to change that, but it’ll probably come to fruition after I graduate. As it stands, going to a boxing gym is not in cards, so my temple is limited to home! That’s fine with me, it allows me to be creative with my boxing equipment.
A relatively relevant question: is bicycling a legitimate substitute for running?
If yes, I’m assuming that the bar needs to be set a little higher due to the assisted nature of riding a bike.
Hey Peter
I hope that you are well. I’d say that the 2 things are different. It’s down to I suppose the intensity of the session and the length of time (due to as you say the assisted nature of a bicycle.) As a boxer, my suspicion is that the time spent on the bike, say 2 hours, could accommodate a run and a gym session. I suppose it’s down to efficiency in the use of time. That being said, any kind of exercise gives benefits to the fighter, no doubt.
Thanks, hope this helps.
That’s the thing about boxing in a nutshell. It’s an amazing training approach to keep yourself fit and strong. The thing is that the more you learn the more you want to practice with a live opponent. You want to test yourself. It’s natural and it’s healthy. Are there any boxing clubs nearby? Maybe a University program? I’m sure that what you’ve learned so far will stand you in good stead and any coach would be happy to see you walk through the door.
In the meantime, keep in shape and enjoy that heavy bag. Makes a big difference.
Thanks Pete. Take care and have a nice weekend.
PS – On the lead foot thing. 45 degrees all of the time. Pointing forward is relevant for kick boxing, not for our game though. Pointing forward leaves you falling to your left as you complete your right cross. Try the 2 variations with that punch and I’m sure you’ll feel the over-balance.
Yes, Fran, just to keep you on your toes, on the back foot. You have on occasions been disparaging about grabbers, holders, or wrestlers as best describes the practice. But I would say that is a key tool in any Boxers skills. Especially in long distance professional bouts, where there comes a point at which you need to change the pace, seek a breather. make a recovery, or string the fight out to a safe conclusion. This goes for amateurs as well, if you have the first two rounds and are knackered, you should know how to hold out to the end. Ali probably took this to extreme levels in some of his fights., lounging back on the ropes., and tying up his openents punches. I think this is a serious omission in some of the big fights recently which reflects amateurism. Brave hearts rather than smart fighting. A good fighter should be able to know when to lean on, use the ropes, close down or smother his opponents punches, otherwise rest. Or change the tempo. And as often happened in fights I well remember, sell, the lame duck, sucker Punch, off the ropes, to great effect. I well remember Walter MacGowan thinking he had a world Title in the bag, with his opponent flopping around on the ropes, when all he was doing was recovering before he flattened poor Walter stone cold. Off course you need to keep an eye on the ref, and keep it in the realm of legal. Not eye gouging, or ear biting, of course. In your corner Fran, Alexander.
Alexander, under ABAE rules holding, lying on and wrestling are all fouls and will result in the offender being cautioned, warned or disqualified.
Hey Alexander, nice to hear from you again.
What I love about your comments is the regular references to some of the finest fighters to come from these shores (and yes, Scottish ones at that!) Walter McGowan was superb. Same era as Alan Rudkin. Incredible fighters.
Dave’s right on the amateurs. I coach my boxers never to hold. Even if they are hurt I prefer them to run first, grab on second but never try to punch their way out. The head has to be clear and the balance set before they start attacking again. Holding does happen in the amateurs of course, but it’s usually more of an armistice with both boxers happy for a brief respite. It can be tiredness, but a couple of deep breaths and off you go.
As for the pros though, you are spot on. The idea of punching solidly for 12 rounds is a pipe dream, so taking the rests at the right time is key. And of course, using sneaky tactics to tie up is a big part of that. The balance has to be right. If you hold too much you can’t win the fight because you aren’t punching.
Great observation again Alexander, thanks for taking the time.
Hi Fran,
I’m a french guy, 30 years old, returning to boxing (learned a few things 10 years ago, and then life and work took all my time). I follow your advises and great articles since 2 years, and the benefits are amazing !
You are a true skillfull writer, withe power lines, jokes ans great analysis ! You help me so much in understanding the game and improving my boxing skills. Thank you so much to take the time to learn to us all these things.
I feel the passion you have and desire (& ability too obviously) to teach the Sweet Science, and it feels good.
Keep up the good work, I will try to bring some comments a every article, although my knowledges & english are so basics, compared to all the guys commenting and bringing their wonderful opinions, but hey, look like a nice community of Boxing Master !!
Cheers Fran !
Thank you for the comment Samir, really great to have your involvement with the site.
Thanks also for the kind words. I look forward to reading all of the comments on the site for the simple reason that I learn as much from you guys as you do from the stuff I write. So please, contribute whenever you like.
Really glad that you are getting the boxing back in your system. It’s all good!
Thanks Samir
Brilliant, Fran. We’re just about to deliver a six week boxing programme to two groups from a school for excluded pupils. It’ll be delivered using the ABA Boxing Awards scheme but much of what will be taught will be reinforced by the priceless information gleaned from your site.
Thanks Coach.
Yet another fantastic use of what little spare time you have! Really glad that you think the site material can assist alongside the ABA stuff. Should be a good 6 weeks for you. Hats off pal.