About The Lead Hand Parry Inside
If you are a half-way experienced orthodox boxer, you will be very used to employing the boxing techniques of blocking and parrying incoming shots with your right hand or your “back hand.” The reason for your familiarity is simple really, based upon the laws of average and statistical probability, you are far more acquainted with an incoming orthodox jab than any other punch, and the natural defence against this shot is is a back hand block or parry.
Now I’m not a gambling man, but I would wager that using your lead hand boxing defensive techniques is not nearly as comfortable an experience as using the back hand defences. So, it has to qualify as a weak point that requires a simple and reliable solution, because when you meet a decent southpaw or an orthodox fighter who’s gone ‘right hand crazy’, an effective lead hand parry is often the difference between victory and defeat.
The simple fact is that to be a success at boxing, you are going to require boxing techniques that limit the weaknesses in your boxing style. The ability to defend both channels is a must. You know what I mean by channels? Quite simply, you need to be able to defend against shots coming in along your right hand channel (for instance an orthodox jab or a southpaw straight left/back hand) or your left hand channel (a southpaw jab or orthodox right hand.) Body movement is great, but using blocks and parries enable a much more direct and aggressive strategy to be used.
So, why use this lead hand parry inside as opposed to for instance the lead hand block? Well, we’ve briefly covered the use against an opponent with an opposing stance, but aside from this I am convinced that using this defence can actually knock an opponent off-balance and leave them dangerously exposed for your counter-attack…it really is a top level defensive boxing technique and will be a very useful addition to your counter-puncher’s arsenal.
OK, watch the video then take some time to drop a question or leave a comment.
The Mechanics of the Lead Hand Parry Inside
Simple mechanics to describe for this counter-puncher’s special:
- Push of the front foot (holding the feet still) in order to rotate your hips in a clockwise direction. Your upper body will broadly be in-line with the opponent.
- During the rotation, the lead hand (with the palm open) travels the few inches from it’s guard position to make contact with the outside part of the wrist of the incoming shot.
- There is a definite push off your lead hand, assertive and very direct. Aim to actually push the opponent off-balance without over-committing.
- The lead hand returns to it’s guard position.
Common Faults During the Lead Hand Parry Inside
There are a number of commonly observed faults when this boxing technique is executed:
- Don’t reach too far for the incoming shot. The last thing that you want is to leave a big opening in your own defences when defending a shot…it just doesn’t make sense!!! It is very easy for the opponent to vary the angle of their punch as it’s on the way to you and that big opening could be the end in the ‘blink of an eye.’ Be economical and keep the defending hands in a sensible spot (imagine a pipe or tunnel going from your head to the opponent’s head and work in and around this tunnel.)
- Don’t allow this to become an ‘arm only’ defence. Make sure that the initial thrust off the front foot provides the leverage to allow the required deflection of the incoming shot. This is especially important if the incoming shot is a powerful orthodox back hand. The rotation also puts you in the perfect position to respond with your own shot, so….
- …Always throw a punch back! Using this defence provides a superb counter-punching opportunity. Always take advantage of opportunities, because they don’t come along that often!
And there we have it, a great defence. Think about combining this with long range right hand shots e.g. the right cross, the long range right hook or the long range right uppercut.
I hope this has helped, let me have any questions or observations below.

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hi! i am living in patiala, punjab (india)…i am 13 yrs old and continously seeing your videos and lernt many techniques from ur videos they are very motivative. i believe that you are the only coach that can help me in becoming a good boxer. i want to come and meet you so can we get in touch
Hi Reyal
Sorry for the delay in responding. Unfortunately I will be unable to coach you in person. I am sure that there can be a boxing club near you to go to. India has some of the finest amateur boxers in the World and you can become one of them. I am really happy that the site and videos help you though, and thanks for writing.
Hi Fran,
A good post, mate.
The first basic ‘positive’ defence that is taught under the preliminary ABAE boxing award (positive as in it leaves the boxer in range and free to counter as opposed to a push away or lay back where a physical move has to be made to come back into range) is the rear hand block and the second the front hand parry that you’ve demonstrated here.
Interestingly we term it an ‘outside parry’ as it leaves the boxer on the outside of the opponent’s guard and free to counter whilst out of danger in the same way that an outside slip would put you in the same position. Just a matter of usage of terms I guess.
I’ve found it to be a very effective move against an orthodox boxer that over commits with the rear hand as the resulting loss of balance can be quite dramatic.
BTW, I’m avoiding making any more comments about Scousers and Debenhams!
Good stuff Dave. Agreed. I think usage of terms is absolutely right. I’ve tried to be consistent, even though this might be consistently contradictory! I think in total I’ll be posting 7 ‘positive’ hand defences, with 6 already up. I really like them specifically because of the way you can take the fight to the opponent.
BTW, don’t stop the regional stereotypes on my behalf mate, it all makes for a good read and brings a smile to the face!
Cheers Dave